Search results for Anita Powell

South Africa's Black Middle Class on the Rise 0    0

The size of South Africa's black middle class has more than doubled in less than a decade, according to a new study from the University of Cape Town. This emerging class is a boon to...

Saller 182 views

Africa Looks to the Final Frontier - Space 0    0

Space. The final frontier. And, one that African nations have largely left unexplored. But with the emergence of space agencies around the continent, some intrepid space-gazers are studying ways to b...

Saller 237 views

Africa Looks to Nuclear Power to Light Up Continent 0    0

At least three African nations are looking to add nuclear power to their grid. Kenya and Nigeria want to establish nuclear energy. South Africa, the only sub-Saharan nation with nuclear facilities, is...

Saller 213 views

Xenophobic Violence Sweeping South Africa 0    0

South Africa, long a haven for African immigrants, has been experiencing the worst xenophobic violence in years, with at least five people killed and hundreds displaced in recent weeks. From Johannesb...

Saller 340 views