Search results for East

Who Doesn’t Like A Little Doe Patrol? 0    0

Keeping your doe population balanced with your bucks is one of the key factors in Q.D.M. Here is how the Operation NorthEast guys keep their does under control in New York! Click HERE for full epis...

Saller 201 views

Grandpa Letting Slugs Fly! 0    0

It is the morning of the southern New York firearm opener and Grandpa is having the worst luck. He shoots three times at a nice buck in the cornfield, but cannot connect. Luckily for him, a better buc...

Saller 266 views

Scientists Predict Wet Winter in Drought-Stricken US West 0    0

Much of the western United States is experiencing extreme drought conditions, leading to wildfires and water shortages, but scientists are predicting some weather changes that will affect not only the...

Saller 220 views

Climate Change: Good for Weeds, Bad for Allergies 0    0

More than 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, and their numbers are growing. New studies suggest that climate change may be at lEast partly to blame. Scientists say rising av...

Saller 265 views

Plastics in Oceans: More Damaging Than Climate Change 0    0

The United Nations estimates that each one of us uses nearly 140 kilograms of plastic each year. At lEast 6.4 million metric tons of that plastic has ended up in the oceans. Environmental activist Cap...

Saller 285 views

Rwanda's Mountain Gorillas Making Comeback 0    0

In the 1980s, the movie Gorillas in the Mist, made Rwanda's almost-extinct mountain gorillas famous. Now, they have come back from the brink, having increased their numbers three-fol...

Saller 257 views

Eels Are on Slippery Slope in East Asia 0    0

Japan is poised to declare an eel emergency, anxiously waiting to see if the popular seafood delicacies soon are placed on a "red list" of threatened species. That mo...

Saller 260 views

Scientists say Climate Change, Dams Threaten Mekong Liveliho... 0    0

Scientists meeting in the Thai capital have warned extreme weather caused by climate change will reduce fish stocks and major crops in the Mekong River Basin if countries in SouthEast Asia fail to ada...

Saller 194 views

Natural Gas, Environmental Regulations Hurt US Coal Regions 0    0

Many power plants in the United States are using natural gas instead of coal to generate electricity, reducing the country's carbon dioxide emissions, which scientists say fuel climat...

Saller 255 views

Russia's Turn to the East More Economic than Ideologica... 0    0

Western leaders are boycotting a massive military victory parade in Moscow this week that commemorates the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II because of Russia's actions in U...

Saller 255 views

Kenyan Artwork Growing in International Popularity 0    0

Long overlooked on the international arts scene, Kenya is finally gaining prestige on the world stage. Some artists can now make their living entirely from artwork and collectors are coming from aroun...

Saller 454 views

Inside Central African Republic's Silent Health Crisis 0    0

The Central African Republic is in the midst of a health crisis seen only in disaster zones. In some places it is the result of conflict. But as VOA's East Africa Correspondent Gabe...

Saller 240 views

Kenyans Line Up for Middle East Jobs Despite Record of Abuse 0    0

Young Kenyans facing a tough job market at home are traveling abroad for work at hotels and homes in the Middle East. While recruiters promise steady work at a good wage, the reality can be much diff...

Saller 254 views

Chewing Khat Increasingly Popular Among Ethiopians 0    0

The cultural tradition of chewing khat, a leaf that is a mild narcotic, is on the rise in Ethiopia. The East African nation is one of the world's chief exporters of the crop, earning...

Saller 230 views

South Sudan Hopes New Mining Law Will Unearth Treasures 0    0

South Sudan won independence and vast oil reserves in 2011, when it split from civil war foe Sudan. As the rocky relationship with its northern neighbor jeopardizes oil exports, however, the new natio...

Saller 195 views