Resultados de la búsqueda Iron

Oil Giants Eye Arctic Reserves; Environmentalists Urge Morat... 0    0

As oil giant Shell calls a temporary halt to its exploration activities in the Arctic over safety concerns, lawmakers in Britain are urging international governments to seek a moratorium on offshore d...

Saller 187 Vistas

Virginia Uranium Mining Pits Economic Gains Against Environm... 0    0

One of the largest uranium-ore deposits in the world, valued at about $7 billion, is located in an economically depressed, rural area of the southern U.S. state of Virginia. Regional activists have so...

Saller 201 Vistas

Tree Bark Shows Global Spread of Toxic Chemicals 0    0

The chemicals used to retard fire in consumer products such as furniture and clothing can become toxic pollutants when they wind up in the envIronment. And they are in the envIronment - all over the w...

Saller 224 Vistas

Pope Francis Calls on Leaders to Protect People, Environment 0    0

Pope Francis called on leaders in all fields to protect people and the envIronment, and to shun hatred, envy and pride - as he formally began his ministry in front of more than 100,000 people in St. P...

Saller 178 Vistas

Scientists say Climate Change, Dams Threaten Mekong Liveliho... 0    0

Scientists meeting in the Thai capital have warned extreme weather caused by climate change will reduce fish stocks and major crops in the Mekong River Basin if countries in Southeast Asia fail to ada...

Saller 194 Vistas

Schools Encourage Students to 'Grow Green' 0    0

A Native American proverb says: "We don't inherit this land from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." This is the philosophy behind the Go...

Saller 238 Vistas

Life in Soil Impacts Life Above Ground 0    0

Talk of protecting the envIronment and slowing climate change usually focuses on the air and water. But this year's winner of the prestigious Tyler EnvIronmental Prize, honored at a W...

Saller 246 Vistas

Eco-forward Designers Give Old Fabrics New Life 0    0

Recycling is the process of turning old materials into new products instead of throwing them away. Paper, cans and jars are examples of the most common items people often reuse. Old fabrics and used c...

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Carpool Campaign Gets Rolling in China's Capital 0    0

China's capital Beijing is one of the world's most polluted cities. Many blame the frequent smog on the city's more than five million vehicles. But, ...

Saller 175 Vistas

Natural Gas, Environmental Regulations Hurt US Coal Regions 0    0

Many power plants in the United States are using natural gas instead of coal to generate electricity, reducing the country's carbon dioxide emissions, which scientists say fuel climat...

Saller 254 Vistas

Houston Sprawl Leaves Wildlife Stranded 0    0

Houston, Texas, and its surrounding suburbs are growing fast and sprawling out into natural forest areas that are the habitat for many species of indigenous wildlife. Local leaders as well as envIronm...

Saller 212 Vistas

Indian Farmers Fight Pollution One Tree at a Time 0    0

Farmers in India are planting trees on their land to not only earn extra income but also help fight climate change. VOA correspondent Aru Pande has more on how the South Asian country is seeking to ta...

Saller 220 Vistas

Philippines Bicycle Company Says Its Products Protect Enviro... 0    0

Can bicycles help the Philippines reduce poverty and protect the envIronment at the same time? A social entrepreneur there says his line of high-end bicycles made of locally grown bamboo can do just t...

Saller 193 Vistas

Environmentalists Blame Coal Industry for West Virginia Chem... 0    0

There are new calls for increased oversight of the powerful chemical and coal industries in West Virginia following a major chemical spill that cut off water to more than 300,000 people. The state&am...

Saller 254 Vistas

Traditional Stoves Detrimental to Heath, Environment in Nige... 0    0

After Malaria and AIDS, Nigeria's number one cause of death is diseases associated with traditional cooking. Activists say nearly 100,000 people die yearly in Nigeria from what they ...

Saller 264 Vistas