Résultats de recherche pour Lisa Bryant

Paris Exhibit Captures Mandela's Journey 0    0

The fragile health of former South African president Nelson Mandela has been a subject of great concern in recent days. But a new exhibition in Paris takes a step back - looking at Mandela&am...

Saller 228 Vues

Writer Captures Flavor of Life In Multicultural Ivory Coast 0    0

A series of French comic books set in the West African country of Ivory Coast has captivated readers both in Africa and overseas. Now, the film Aya de Yopougon has just been released in French movie h...

Saller 275 Vues

In Paris, 2 Faces of the Migrant Crisis 0    0

As France begins welcoming its first batch of Iraqis and Syrians out of 24,000 due to be resettled from elsewhere in Europe, questions are mounting over the status and treatment of longer-term migrant...

Saller 218 Vues

France Opens Doors to Migrants 0    0

As Europe continues to bicker over sheltering tens of thousands of refugees fleeing conflict, public opinion in France has swung in favor of the Iraqis and Syrians who are beginning to arrive in the c...

Saller 237 Vues