Search results for Migrant

Intense Migrant Flow Puts Pressure on Germany 0    0

Germany, the destination of choice for many of the Migrants entering Europe, is facing questions on how it will deal with the influx. Refugees have been entering at a rate of 1,800 per day from the A...

Saller 212 views

Hungary Declares State of Emergency; Tense Standoff at Serbi... 0    0

Hungary has declared a state of emergency in two southern counties bordering Serbia, and has arrested dozens of Migrants and refugees for illegally entering the country. The move comes hours after ne...

Saller 168 views

Volunteers Working to Bring Relief to Desperate Migrants 0    0

Even as Hungary clamps down on the flow of refugees and Migrants trying to enter the country, volunteers have gathered in Hungarian cities to help those who have already arrived. VOA Afghan service re...

Saller 212 views

Hungary Border Crossing Active Before New Law Comes into Eff... 0    0

The small Hungarian border village of Röszke was awash with activity the night before the country promised to crack down on illegal border crossings by Migrants. Ayesha Tanzeem reports. Originally...

Saller 231 views

On The Scene: Munich, Germany Train Station 0    0

There's been a dramatic drop in the number of Migrants coming into the Munich train station in the hours since Germany imposed border controls and briefly suspended train service betw...

Saller 273 views

Migrant Crisis on Hungary's Border 0    0

Video footage of Migrants on Hungary's border on Sept. 15, 2015. Originally published at -

Saller 266 views

On The Scene: Roszke Border Hungary 0    0

VOA's Henry Ridgwell describes the situation at the border after new laws and border controls come into effect in Hungary, Sept. 15, 2015. Originally published at - http://www.voan...

Saller 279 views

Drowned Migrant Toddler Photo Triggers European Outrage 0    0

The harrowing picture of a drowned three-year-old Syrian boy washed up on a Turkish beach appears to have galvanized Europe’s leaders into doing more to address the refugee crisis. France, Germany...

Saller 288 views

Refugees Flee Across Turkish Border 0    0

As Syrian refugees travel by the masses into Europe, they continue to stream out of the technically closed land border with Turkey. VOA’s Heather Murdock reports. Originally published at - http:/...

Saller 291 views

Europe Braces for New Wave of Refugees 0    0

Thousands of refugees have been crossing the border from Hungary into Austria, after the Hungarian government started relaxing restrictions. Aid workers and Austrian officials are expecting the influx...

Saller 275 views

Hungarian Police Struggle to Control Refugee Influx at Serbi... 0    0

The influx of refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan to Europe is showing no signs of slowing. Aid workers and Hungarian officials say at least another 2,000 people crossed through a gap in the f...

Saller 229 views

Public Outcry Over Refugee Horrors Gives Some Syrian Orphans... 0    0

Syrian war orphans fleeing their country are usually deeply traumatized. But as a stream of refugees makes its way through Europe, some orphans say the death of one child could mean a better life for...

Saller 269 views

Britain to Accept 20,000 Syrian Refugees 0    0

In a policy reversal, Britain has announced it will take in tens of thousands of refugees from Syria. It follows a public outpouring of distress across Europe after pictures were published last week s...

Saller 293 views

Pressure Builds at Serbia Refugee Camp as More Migrants Expe... 0    0

U.N. officials expect 7,000 Migrants to cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia, continuing the massive flow of mostly Middle Eastern refugees into Europe. VOA Europe Correspondent Luis Ramirez r...

Saller 181 views

Europe Calls for Compulsory Resettlement of 160,000 Refugees 0    0

European Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker has called for the resettlement of 160,000 refugees across the 28 members of the European Union – and a permanent asylum mechanism to cope with future c...

Saller 210 views