Search results for Refugee

Activists Demand Greater US Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis 0    0

With no end in sight to the Syrian Refugee crisis, hundreds of activists and protesters gathered in New York's Union Square on Saturday, demanding the U.S. government lead by example ...

Saller 184 views

US Lawmakers Scrutinize Obama Plan to Admit Syrian Refugees 0    0

U.S. lawmakers are scrutinizing the Obama administration's plan to admit 10,000 Syrian Refugees to the United States, where the possibility of terrorist infiltrators is a top concern....

Saller 187 views

Refugees on the Move: Hurtling Towards Hungary 0    0

Most of the thousands of Refugees aboard had arrived in Greece over the past few days on rubber boats after harrowing all-night journeys from Turkey. Many slept in parks near the port; others camped ...

Saller 198 views

PM David Cameron: 'Immigration should mean controlled i... 0    0

Prime Minister David Cameron says "we need to do more" to try and control immigration. He says the country should be "open to talent&quot...

Tengiz 194 views

Migrant crisis: Body of a baby boy found on Kos beach - BBC ... 0    0

It is now a month since the body of three-year-old Alan Kurdi was pictured on a beach in Turkey. Despite an international outcry, children are continuing to die. Figures from the international organi...

Tengiz 197 views

(SPOILER ALERT) 'Homeland is racist' artist explai... 0    0

Street artists hired by the makers of the US show Homeland explain why they daubed subversive graffiti on one of the show's sets in Berlin. They were hired to add authenticity to Refu...

Tengiz 127 views

Can Turkey stop the migration flow? BBC News 0    0

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in Brussels to discuss the migration crisis with EU leaders. Turkey has become the key to stopping the hundreds of thousands of migrants and Refugees trying ...

Tengiz 227 views