Search results for VOA

Reality TV Show Helps Farmers Improve Livelihoods 0    0

Inspired by the popularity of American and British home makeover shows, a television producer in Kenya has created a farming reality show that is helping farmers in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania do a be...

Saller 199 views

After Five Years in Captivity, Nigerian Woman Never Really F... 0    0

In this video profile, we meet a woman who tells us how she was held captive in Italy for five years and forced into prostitution. She says when she was no longer useful to her captors, she was depor...

Saller 223 views

Nigerians Demand Return of Ancient Art 0    0

More than a century ago, as European powers competed for Africa's resources, ancient art treasures from an ancient kingdom were stolen. Heather Murdock reports for VOA from Benin Cit...

Saller 202 views

S. African School is Home to Future Football Stars 0    0

In the sport of football (soccer), South Africa is in the spotlight as it prepares to host the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament this weekend. The Tan Academy is capitalizing on the popularity...

Saller 254 views

South Africa Struggles to Reduce Road Fatalities 0    0

After yet another deadly holiday season on South Africa's roads, the government is calling on citizens to do more to prevent accidents - especially as more than half the accidents wer...

Saller 262 views

Nigerian Activists Google Map Abuja 0    0

More than a hundred young Nigerians are teaming up with Google to add restaurants, markets, hospitals and other attractions in the Nigerian capital to Google Maps. For VOA, Heather Murdock reports fr...

Saller 230 views

South African Traditional Healers Face Increased Competition 0    0

In South Africa, traditional healers known, as sangomas [Zulu word], are deeply entrenched in the culture. So much so that a 2012 court case affirmed that workers can be allowed extended absences to c...

Saller 201 views

Nigeria Recruits Midwives to Save Lives 0    0

Nigeria has one of the highest maternal death rates in the world and an ambitious plan to 'save one million lives' through health programs that target mothers and chi...

Saller 188 views

Catholicism in Africa Seen As Success Story 0    0

In the past century, Roman Catholicism has grown faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world, leading to calls during recent papal transitions for an African to head the church as pope. VOA relig...

Saller 233 views

Africans in Moscow Struggle with Snow and Harassment 0    0

In Soviet days, African students were welcomed in Moscow as exotic visitors from fellow socialist countries. But, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of nationalist skinheads, Africans...

Saller 208 views

In Senegal, Skin-Lightening Remains Popular Despite Health R... 0    0

The World Health Organization says that a quarter of Senegalese women use skin-lightening products regularly. The products, even those claiming to have so-called "natural&...

Saller 211 views

China Works to Improve Image in Africa 0    0

China's activities in Africa have long been a target of criticism. But as VOA's Bill Ide reports from Beijing, its support of controversial leaders on the continent a...

Saller 286 views

Nigerian Town Takes Demolition Fight to Courtroom 0    0

Most Nigerians living in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, don't live in the city center, much of which resembles a high-income city in the United States, like Beverly Hills. Instead, they...

Saller 271 views

Train Connects North, South of 'Africa's Giant&apo... 0    0

For the first time in a decade, Nigeria is operating a train line that links the north and south of the country, which is Africa's most populous nation. For VOA, Heather Murdock takes...

Saller 274 views

Kenyans Line Up for Middle East Jobs Despite Record of Abuse 0    0

Young Kenyans facing a tough job market at home are traveling abroad for work at hotels and homes in the Middle East. While recruiters promise steady work at a good wage, the reality can be much diff...

Saller 253 views