Search results for Way

US Army Corps of Engineers Fights Receding Mississippi Water... 0    0

The Mississippi River is the longest and most economically important waterWay in the United States. But a lack of rainfall is reducing the depth of the river. As VOA's Kane Farabaugh ...

Saller 247 views

Controversial Japanese Fast Breeder Reactor Preparing for Re... 0    0

There has been an on-going debate in Japan on the best Way to obtain a safe and affordable energy supply for the island nation. The nuclear option suffered a set back in March, 2011, when a massive e...

Saller 199 views

As Pollution Worries Grow, China Experiments with Carbon Tra... 0    0

As China scrambles to respond to the choking smog that has blanketed Beijing in recent weeks, authorities in several major cities are experimenting with so-called carbon-trading markets. The schemes a...

Saller 220 views

New York City Studies Response to Rising Seas 0    0

The continued warming of the earth's climate is melting mountain glaciers and polar ice sheets and that's causing the world's oceans to rise -- slowl...

Saller 224 views

Young People Learn to Protect Trashed Waterways 0    0

Twenty thousand tons of trash are thrown into the Anacostia every year. It turns into a toxic brew including sewage overflows and runoff from driveWays, sidewalks and streets. National Fishing and Bo...

Saller 213 views

Companies Try Natural Gas to Fuel Vehicles 0    0

The dramatic increase in U.S. natural gas production has made the fuel cheaper and driven projects that would use this resource to replace far dirtier fossil fuels. As VOA's Greg Flak...

Saller 194 views

Eco-forward Designers Give Old Fabrics New Life 0    0

Recycling is the process of turning old materials into new products instead of throwing them aWay. Paper, cans and jars are examples of the most common items people often reuse. Old fabrics and used c...

Saller 285 views

Some Go Big, Others Stay Small to Meet Global Food Needs 0    0

As demand for meat, milk and eggs grows around the world, the Way these products are produced is changing from small-scale production to large, industrial-scale operations. This transition has already...

Saller 220 views

Ugandan Tree Bark Cloth Wows Europe's Fashion Runway 0    0

Tree bark cloth from Uganda is being used to create some of the latest runWay fashions in Europe. The technique used to make the bark into cloth is ancient, but a German-Nigerian designer is hoping it...

Saller 225 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Yeonghee's Family, ... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 1 : Yeonghee takes care of her mother who is suffering from Alzheimer's. She has to keep wat...

Saller 234 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Road to Alaska, part 2 (... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 2 : Hyeoncheol has to complete the doghouses before his dogs arrive from Korea. He hears about a harrowing ac...

Saller 215 views

Kenyan Driving Schools Aim to Decrease Road Fatalities 0    0

About 1.2 million people around the world are killed in traffic accidents every year, according to the World Health Organization. Kenya has some of the world's worst road fatality sta...

Saller 293 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Mom, part 1 (2014.02.24) 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 1 : 35-year-old Myeong Minsuk has a restaurant in Yecheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do. She raises five children by hers...

Saller 224 views

Kenya's FlipFlop Recycling Company turns Ocean's T... 0    0

While doing marine conservation projects at the Kenyan coast several years ago, one woman observed children making toys out of flip-flops that were washing up on shore. So she started a business to ma...

Saller 208 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Daughter-in-Law Over Flo... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 5 : Mother-in-law prepares a birthday meal for Hyangim and father-in-law writes her a letter. It is finally t...

Saller 264 views