Search results for arab supercar invasion

The Great Arab Supercar Invasion in London, Summer 2015 0    0

Since the end of Ramadan, the streets of London have been filled with crazy and colourful supercars from the Middle East. It is like a London - Arab supercar motorshow in Knightsbridge. Here are just ...

Koka44 1,556 views

The Arab Supercar Invasion of London - Summer 2014 0    0

Facebook: Here are the best scenes I captured of the Arab supercars that came over to London for the summer of 2014! Flickr:

Koka44 630 views

Police vs The Arab Supercars in London! 0    0

Over the summer months in London, the affluent area of Knightsbridge becomes littered with crazy and colourful supercars from Arab countries. Due to constant complaints from the residents, there has b...

Koka44 684 views