Suchergebnisse für big pharma

Did Big Pharma Deliberately Give People AIDS? 0    0

"Did big pharma Deliberately Give People AIDS? In the 1980s, the government discovered medicine for hemophiliacs was contaminated with AIDS. Despite this, big pharma continued to sell HIV-in...

DOSS 230 Ansichten

Denver Airport: Secret Base Of The NWO 0    0

Denver Airport: Secret Base Of The New World Order Is there any truth to claims that Denver International Airport is a secret base? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - http:/...

DOSS 223 Ansichten

The Diet Pill Conspiracy 0    0

In today's body-image obsessed world, there is constantly growing pressure to keep thin. Pharmaceutical companies have answered the call with the miraculous diet pill. But do these pills actu...

DOSS 192 Ansichten