Search results for false flag

Who Bombed Madrid? 0    0

The Madrid Bombings: Who Was Really Responsible? - In 2004, Spain was rocked by ten explosions in Madrid. But who was really responsible for the attack? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Co...

DOSS 255 views

Who Tried To Kill Ronald Reagan? 0    0

President Ronald Reagan was nearly killed in 1981. Did the would-be assassin operate alone? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Princess Diana Assassinated? - ????????...

DOSS 239 views

The Fake Attack That Started The Vietnam War 0    0

Did A Fake Attack Start The Vietnam War? In 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident persuaded Congress to start full-scale military involvement in Vietnam. But was the Tonkin attack really a fake? Don&...

DOSS 254 views

Did The British Government Plan The London Bombings? 0    0

"Did The British Government Plan The London Bombings? July 7th, 2005 saw the biggest terror attack in Britain in the 21st century. Officially it was the work of four lonely Islamic extremist...

DOSS 230 views

Project Coast: Apartheid Biowarfare 0    0

Dr. Wouter Basson ran Apartheid South Africa's secret biowarfare program. It was designed to eradicate the country's entire black population. ------------------ Video Endboard Link...

DOSS 241 views

Did Putin Attack Russia To Gain Power? 0    0

293 people died in a series of bombings in Russia in 1999. Were they really the victims of Chechen terrorists, or was something more sinister at work? Vladimir Putin? ------------------ Video Endbo...

DOSS 188 views

Aum Shinrikyo: Spreading Ebola In Japan 0    0

Did a Japanese cult get away with murder? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Ricin Plot: - ????????? ------------------ Don't for...

DOSS 195 views

Is The Internet A Secret CIA Project? 0    0

Is The Internet A Secret CIA Project? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: Are Drones Killing US Citizens? 9/11 Terror Insider Training: JFK &am...

DOSS 236 views

Operation Northwoods: JFK & False Flag Terrorism 0    0

Operation Northwoods: JFK & false flag Terrorism - false flag terrorism, the Cold War and JFK are all involved in what might be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. --...

DOSS 222 views

The Suppression of Free Energy 0    0

Free and clean energy technology may have been suppressed by big oil companies and the US government. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Missing Tesla Files: - ??...

DOSS 195 views

The Bush-Bin Laden Family Connection 0    0

The powerful bush family have surprising links with the billionaire bin Laden family. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: - ??????????...

DOSS 200 views

Did The KGB Assassinate JFK? 0    0

What have the KGB got to do with JFK's assassination? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - JFK & false flag Terrorism: - ???????????

DOSS 187 views

9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading 0    0

Terrorism can be a profitable business, provided you already know when and where it's going to happen. Did Wall Street have prior knowledge about the events which took place on 9/11? ------...

DOSS 203 views

9/11: Controlled Demolition 0    0

Were the Twin Towers brought down by explosive demolitions? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Operation Northwoods: JFK: - ???????????????????? ...

DOSS 154 views

What Happened To Flight MH370? 0    0

What Happened to Flight MH370? - On March 8th, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared. What exactly happened to that fateful flight? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracie...

DOSS 180 views