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Georgia Buck Named Texas 0    0

There is a need, or should we say want, to name deer you are hunting on your property. This wide Georgia buck has been deemed the name "Texas." Unfortunately for &...

Saller 183 views

Planting Trees Restores Soil in Haiti 0    0

A recent report from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization shows the pace of deforestation worldwide slowed in the last decade. Clearing land for farming remains the leading cause of deforestatio...

Saller 211 views

US Army Corps of Engineers Fights Receding Mississippi Water... 0    0

The Mississippi River is the longest and most economically important waterway in the United States. But a lack of rainfall is reducing the depth of the river. As VOA's Kane Farabaugh ...

Saller 247 views

Burger Makers Want Biofuel Law Repealed 0    0

Big American fast-food chains have entered the fight against an alternative fuel policy that critics say is pushing up the price of food worldwide. In a new lobbying effort, they are calling on Congre...

Saller 216 views

As Pollution Worries Grow, China Experiments with Carbon Tra... 0    0

As China scrambles to respond to the choking smog that has blanketed Beijing in recent weeks, authorities in several major cities are experimenting with so-called carbon-trading markets. The schemes a...

Saller 220 views

Virginia Uranium Mining Pits Economic Gains Against Environm... 0    0

One of the largest uranium-ore deposits in the world, valued at about $7 billion, is located in an economically depressed, rural area of the southern U.S. state of Virginia. Regional activists have so...

Saller 201 views

Simplified Gardening Turns Earth's Consumers Into Produ... 0    0

More and more people are interested in growing their own food. But many get discouraged when they discover how much time and effort is involved. So, two young entrepreneurs have come up with an idea t...

Saller 233 views

Carpool Campaign Gets Rolling in China's Capital 0    0

China's capital Beijing is one of the world's most polluted cities. Many blame the frequent smog on the city's more than five million vehicles. But, ...

Saller 175 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Yeonghee's Family, ... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 5 : Yeonghee's brother, who has been transferred to another region, feels guilty that he can...

Saller 267 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Mom, part 4 (2014.02.27) 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 4 : The family goes to take a family picture. Minsuk finally gets to wear the wedding dress that she wanted t...

Saller 225 views

Angola Still Riddled With Mines Despite Efforts 0    0

Ten years after the end of the civil war in Angola, the country still remains, despite its best efforts, one of the most unexploded mine-affected countries in the world. The African nation was due to...

Saller 314 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Daughter-in-Law Over Flo... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 2 : Hyangim cooks, but the food is ruined. Even so, grandmother eats it deliciously because she made an effor...

Saller 195 views

Screening Humanity | 인간극장 - Daughter-in-Law Over Flo... 0    0

- Telecasting Time: Mon - Fri 10:20am & Sat 09:10am (Seoul, UTC+9) - Part 3 : Hyangim misses her father who died of a stroke 4 months ago. Her mother-in-law comforts her. Jeongsik and...

Saller 184 views

Wastewater Plants Extract Nutrients from Sewage 0    0

Sewage treatment plants around the world are beginning to put value on waste, turning it into a marketable resource. Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in Washington is the largest facili...

Saller 278 views

Artist Uses Racy Subjects to Show 'Real' Kenya 0    0

Nairobi artist Michael Soi paints subjects that he says make Kenyans "uncomfortable," - such as commercial sex workers, interracial relationships, the China-Africa pa...

Saller 255 views