Search results for gary

On The Scene: Roszke Border Hungary 0    0

VOA's Henry Ridgwell describes the situation at the border after new laws and border controls come into effect in Hungary, Sept. 15, 2015. Originally published at - http://www.voan...

Saller 282 views

Drowned Migrant Toddler Photo Triggers European Outrage 0    0

The harrowing picture of a drowned three-year-old Syrian boy washed up on a Turkish beach appears to have galvanized Europe’s leaders into doing more to address the refugee crisis. France, Germany...

Saller 288 views

Refugees Arrive at Austrian Border; More on the Way 0    0

Hundreds of refugees left Budapest’s Keleti train station and reached the border of Austria on Saturday aboard buses provided by the Hungarian government. But authorities were bracing for a new wave...

Saller 257 views

Europe Braces for New Wave of Refugees 0    0

Thousands of refugees have been crossing the border from Hungary into Austria, after the Hungarian government started relaxing restrictions. Aid workers and Austrian officials are expecting the influx...

Saller 276 views

Hungarian Police Struggle to Control Refugee Influx at Serbi... 0    0

The influx of refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan to Europe is showing no signs of slowing. Aid workers and Hungarian officials say at least another 2,000 people crossed through a gap in the f...

Saller 229 views

Pressure Builds at Serbia Refugee Camp as More Migrants Expe... 0    0

U.N. officials expect 7,000 migrants to cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia, continuing the massive flow of mostly Middle Eastern refugees into Europe. VOA Europe Correspondent Luis Ramirez r...

Saller 181 views

Migrant Crisis Volunteers in Budapest, Hungary 0    0

Both Austria and Hungary witnessed a spike in the number of migrants crossing their respective borders overnight. The two countries are at the forefront of Europe's refugee crisis. E...

Saller 268 views

Migrant Flow Across Serbian-Hungary Border Shows Little Sign... 0    0

As European countries continue debating how to deal with the influx of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries, the situation on the Serbia-Hungary border has been reaching a cri...

Saller 217 views

Refugees on the Move: Hurtling Towards Hungary 0    0

Most of the thousands of refugees aboard had arrived in Greece over the past few days on rubber boats after harrowing all-night journeys from Turkey. Many slept in parks near the port; others camped ...

Saller 199 views

Supporters Rally Behind Hungarian PM’s Anti-Migrant Polici... 0    0

As the Hungarian prime minister faces criticism from human rights groups and leaders of some European countries for his policies towards Middle Eastern migrants, his supporters gathered in Budapest Su...

Saller 236 views

Who Really Caused World War One? 0    0

"Who Really Caused World War One? The First World War was a devastating conflict that cost millions of lives. Why did it start? And does the history we're taught measure up to the t...

DOSS 200 views

The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years 0    0

#HappyBirthdayYouTube Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta. From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a decade of your creativity and self-exp...

DOSS 210 views

5 Deadliest Dads 0    0

Time for a new family photo... Presenting a special collaboration with Wisecrack & Earthing Cinema: Watch 'The Hidden Meaning in The Shining ►► Check out mor...

DOSS 221 views

5 Terrifying Creatures That Attack While You're Sleeping 0    0

5 scary creatures, monsters and beings that might visit you tonight, from malevolent shadow people to curious aliens... Subscribe to Dark5 ► Watch More Dark5: 5 Alien Creatures...

DOSS 189 views

5 Most HAUNTING Last Facebook Posts 0    0

The top 5 strange, frightening, and final Facebook posts and photos.... Subscribe to Dark5 ► Presenting the 5 most ominous and mysterious last Facebook posts and photos ever up...

DOSS 203 views