Search results for quick tips

Make your own Strike Anywhere Matches! 0    0

Can't find Strike Anywhere matches at the store? You are not alone! They are getting harder and harder to find in some states and in some countries. So, let's give the middle finger ...

DOSS 204 views

How to make Waterproof Firesticks. 0    0

Make Self-Lighting, Waterproof-Firesticks. Next time you are in a pinch you will be prepared! Let's make some emergency fire starters that will last you almost 5 minutes each! You will need ...

DOSS 241 views

Make an Instant Cloud in a Bottle! 0    0

To make our own cloud we need rubbing alcohol, a plastic bottle, and a bike pump. Pour a little bit of the alcohol into the plastic bottle. Then shake it around in circles until the inside is fully co...

DOSS 311 views

AA Battery + Gum Wrapper Lighter 0    0

Build a makeshift lighter. This sounds like a good idea, right? I managed to find tons of ways to do this. Here is my favorite. Get a gum wrapper or the lining of a cigarette pack and cut a small sl...

DOSS 313 views

How to Hack your Popcorn! 0    0

Popcorn is a delicious treat, but can the microwave ever compare to the movie theater? Probably not... so let's fix that with a QUICK tip.

DOSS 215 views

Quick and Simple Life Hacks 8 0    0

Add me on FB: This is quick and simple life hacks, where we solve your everyday problems with a little MacGyver inspired ingenuity. Want your ice cream to last longer ...

DOSS 191 views