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Somalia Aims to Improve Lives of Children 0    0

Somalia's president signed into law the Convention on the Rights of the Child on January 20. Somalia’s children continue to face daily challenges posed by conflict, displacement, m...

Saller 280 views

Issues or Ethnicity? Question Divides Nigeria 0    0

As Nigeria goes to the polls next month, many expect the two top presidential contenders to gain much of their support from constituencies organized along ethnic or religious lines. But are faith and ...

Saller 292 views

Natural Gas Export Plan Divides Maryland Town 0    0

A U.S. power company that has been importing natural gas now wants to export it. If approved, its plant in Lusby, Maryland, would likely be the first terminal on the United States East Coast to expo...

Saller 302 views

Modernization or Historic Preservation? The City of Richmond... 0    0

Before America's Civil War in the 1860s, the southern city of Richmond, Virginia was home to the nation's second largest slave trading district. Today, the neighborho...

Saller 214 views

Terrorism in France Stokes US Political Battles 0    0

U.S. lawmakers in both parties have seized upon last week's terrorist attacks in France in an ongoing battle over reforming America's oft-criticized immigration syste...

Saller 270 views

Students Welcome Obama’s Free College Plan 0    0

President Barack Obama recently announced a plan to make two years of community college free for all eligible Americans, calling education and technical training essential pathways to the U.S. middle ...

Saller 253 views

the dildo prank 0    0

SHARE ON TWITTER & FACEBOOK! the host of the network had tons of fun playing his mischievous prank on the residents of Austin Texas. In this link you will find ALL my social networking site...

DOSS 246 views

Dialogue Helps LA Residents, Police Build Bridges 0    0

Tensions have flared between police and African Americans around the United States, after a series of confrontations and controversial shootings of young black men. But some police departments are wor...

Saller 225 views

Obama Urges Closer Economic Ties During Historic India Visit 0    0

U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States and India must do better to capitalize on untapped potential in their economic relationship - by removing some of the roadblocks to greater trade and...

Saller 222 views

Threat of Creeping Lava Has Hawaiians on Edge 0    0

residents of the small town of Pahoa on the Big Island of Hawaii face an advancing threat from the Kilauea volcano. Local residents are keeping a watchful eye on creeping lava. Mike O’Sullivan repor...

Saller 194 views

Obama Unveils Budget, Setting Up Battle With Congress 0    0

U.S. President Barack Obama has sent a $4 trillion budget to Congress that calls for tax hikes mainly on wealthier Americans and corporations. Obama’s plan ends mandated spending caps and calls for...

Saller 437 views

Obama Defense Nominee Favors Lethal Military Aid for Ukraine 0    0

President Barack Obama’s pick to be America’s next secretary of defense says he favors sending U.S. military aid to Ukraine and speeding arms sales to Jordan -- and lists Iran and the Islamic Stat...

Saller 271 views

Abraham Lincoln Funeral Re-created for 150th Civil War Anniv... 0    0

Over the last four years, commemorative events to mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War have brought thousands of visitors to battlefields and historic landmarks across the country. As VOA...

Saller 264 views

Kobani Residents Return to Widespread Devastation 0    0

residents of the Syrian town of Kobani are returning to their devastated homes, after months of fighting between the Islamic State and Kurdish fighters supported by U.S.-led airstrikes. Khadijan Farqu...

Saller 238 views

Yemen Fighting Intensifies As Fears Grow Of Sectarian Confli... 0    0

There’s growing speculation in Yemen that the Saudi-led coalition could be about to launch a ground operation against Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The Houthis captured swaths of the country earlier th...

Saller 249 views