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The Cancer Conspiracy 0    0

Is there a conspiracy to suppress a cancer cure? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Dyatlov Pass incident: - ?????????? ------------------ ...

DOSS 210 views

Tupac Shakur: The Seven Day Theory 0    0

Tupac Shakur: The Seven Day Theory - What is the Seven Day Theory? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Did...

DOSS 217 views

How Dangerous Is Israel? 0    0

An EU poll named Israel as the country that possess the biggest threat to world peace. With an arsenal of undeclared nuclear weapons, a reputation for assassinating political enemies and rising tensio...

DOSS 247 views

The Secret of Plum Island 0    0

What exactly is the US government doing on Plum Island? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Ricin Plot: - ??????????? ------------------ Don...

DOSS 171 views

Phantom Time: Are We In The 18th Century? 0    0

"The Phantom Time Hypothesis: Are We In The 18th Century? Historians argue that there are 300 years missing from our history - how has this come about, and what does it have to do with the P...

DOSS 215 views

Has World War 3 Already Begun? 0    0

Has World War 3 Already Begun? World War Three has been predicted to happen for over a century. Conspiracy theorists have predicted a surprisingly detailed and shockingly accuarate timeline of events...

DOSS 223 views

Could The Walking Dead Really Happen? 0    0

Could The Walking Dead Really Happen? AMC's The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV shows in the world. But could the terrifying zombie apocalypse is depicts actually happen to us? Al...

DOSS 199 views

The Lost Cosmonauts 0    0

The Lost Cosmonauts - In the 1960s, stories abounded of Russia's missing cosmonauts, killed or lost in space. But are those stories true? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspira...

DOSS 239 views

Did Bush Let 9/11 Happen? 0    0

After the horrible attacks of 9/11, it transpired that the CIA had issued several clear warnings about an imminent terror attack on U.S. soil. One particular intelligence report explicitly warned of a...

DOSS 234 views

What Is The Vatican Hiding In Its Archives? 0    0

What Are The Vatican Hiding In Their Archives? No-one can enter without the express permission of the Vatican - and when they do get in, they can't even browse the shelves. Not even the Pope...

DOSS 185 views

The Man Who Predicted 9/11 0    0

The Man Who Predicted 9/11 Radio host Bill Cooper predicted a major terror attack on the USA in 2001... Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - -----------...

DOSS 194 views

Project HAARP: Is The US Controlling The Weather? 0    0

Project HAARP: US Weather Control? A secretive government radio energy experiment in Alaska, with the potential to control the weather or a simple scientific experiment? ------------------ Video E...

DOSS 210 views

The Roswell Incident: An Alien Sighting? 0    0

What exactly did happen near Roswell in July 1947? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Dyatlov Pass: - ?????????? ------------------ Don&ap...

DOSS 174 views

Did the CIA Create AIDS? 0    0

Did the CIA Create AIDS? - Is AIDS really a man-made bioweapon? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 5 Most...

DOSS 236 views

Is The USA Starting World War 3? 0    0

For all its importance in upholding democracy in the world, the USA's strategy of employing military intervention to impose its political systems on other nations has, rightly or wrongly, ins...

DOSS 203 views