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Guide To Alex Jones 0    0

Guide To: Alex Jones Alltime Conspiracies looks at the world's biggest conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. ---------------- Video Endboard Links: - Guide to Bohemian Grove:

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Freemasons and the Vatican Bank 0    0

Freemasons and the Vatican Bank - The Vatican Bank was revealed to have dealings with an illegal Freemasonry order in Italy. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! -

DOSS 203 views

The Iran-Contra Scandal 0    0

The Iran-Contra scandal - The USA illegally sold arms to Iran in order to negotiate with terrorists, and illegally funded Nicaraguan rebels. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! ...

DOSS 207 views

The Red Scare: Communist Witch Hunt 0    0

The Biggest Communist Witch Hunt In History? The 1950s saw the rise of Senator Joe McCarthy and his notorious scourge of 'subersive' American citizens at the height of the Red Scare...

DOSS 251 views

The Mystery Of The Hindenburg Disaster 0    0

The Mystery Of The Hindenburg Disaster The Hindenburg airship incinerated in a notorious disaster in the 1930s. Was it an accident, or sabotage? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Mys...

DOSS 223 views

Who Killed John Doe 2? 0    0

Did the FBI murder a prisoner because of the Oklahoma City bombing? WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Did The KGB Kill JFK? - ??????????? h...

DOSS 204 views

Who Tried To Kill Ronald Reagan? 0    0

President Ronald Reagan was nearly killed in 1981. Did the would-be assassin operate alone? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Princess Diana Assassinated? - ????????...

DOSS 240 views

Do Scientologists Rule Hollywood? 0    0

With some of Hollywood's biggest stars in their congregation, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta, Scientology has gained an international following. But is the religion Scientology just a...

DOSS 209 views

The Waco Siege and the FBI 0    0

Who started the fire that killed 80 civilians in Waco, Texas? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - CIA Terrorism: - ??????????? -----------------...

DOSS 203 views

What Is Bohemian Grove? 0    0

Guide To: Bohemian Grove What goes on in the mysterious camp called Bohemian Grove? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endbo...

DOSS 229 views

Did Big Pharma Deliberately Give People AIDS? 0    0

"Did Big Pharma Deliberately Give People AIDS? In the 1980s, the government discovered medicine for hemophiliacs was contaminated with AIDS. Despite this, Big Pharma continued to sell HIV-in...

DOSS 230 views

Is Gun Control Necessary? 0    0

With various mass shootings including those at Charlestown and Sandy Hook Elementary School drawing widespread mass media coverage, the topic of gun control is often on the political agenda. But is g...

DOSS 238 views

Murdering Prison Inmates 0    0

The Arkansas Prison scandal: Murdering Inmates In 1968, a shocking discovery exposed the horrors of life in Arkansas' Cummins Prison Farm. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: Who As...

DOSS 227 views

Who Killed Malcolm X? 0    0

Who Killed Malcolm X? - Was Malcolm X assassinated by his former friends or the FBI? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endbo...

DOSS 201 views

Who Betrayed Nelson Mandela? 0    0

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail, but who exactly put him away? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Mafia Black Ops: - ??????????? --------...

DOSS 197 views