Search results for taboh

'Hippie Chimps' Face Extinction 0    0

Deep in the forest of the African Congo lives an animal most people have never heard of. They look like chimpanzees, but are smaller and leaner. And like the chimpanzee, share almost 99 percent of ou...

Saller 152 views

Exhibit Highlights Butterfly's Beauty, Diversity, Value... 0    0

As spring makes its slow return to the hemisphere, the Smithsonian Institution's Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C., is marking the occasion with one of its most popular exhib...

Saller 209 views

Bones Form Visual Petition Against Genocide 0    0

It started with just one bone, and within a few hours, over one million of them were laid out in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. The display was a collaborative effort, involving 30 countries...

Saller 205 views