Search results for terry

The Watergate Scandal 0    0

Guide To: Watergate Alltime Conspiracies offers a quick guide to America's most notorious political scandal. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! -

DOSS 253 views

The Iran-Contra Scandal 0    0

The Iran-Contra Scandal - The USA illegally sold arms to Iran in order to negotiate with terrorists, and illegally funded Nicaraguan rebels. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! ...

DOSS 207 views

The Red Scare: Communist Witch Hunt 0    0

The Biggest Communist Witch Hunt In History? The 1950s saw the rise of Senator Joe McCarthy and his notorious scourge of 'subersive' American citizens at the height of the Red Scare...

DOSS 251 views

Did The Government Illegally Experiment On African Americans... 0    0

The United States Public Health Service allowed African-Americans to die in order to study disease. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ---------------...

DOSS 181 views

The Port Chicago Explosion: A Nuclear Test? 0    0

What caused the explosion that killed 320 men in 1944? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Vela Incident: - ??????? ------------------ Don&...

DOSS 219 views

Does Israel Have Secret Nuclear Weapons? 0    0

Does Israel Have Secret Nuclear Weapons? Israel is the Middle East's strongest advocate for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Yet it refuses to say whether or not it possesses nuclear we...

DOSS 244 views

Did Freemasons Create The USA? 0    0

Did Freemasons Create The USA? Legend tells of a mysterious man whose rousing speech convinced American delegates to sign the Declaration of Independence. Could the legend be true, and if so who was ...

DOSS 210 views

Did America Protect Nazis After WW2? 0    0

America sheltered and protected Nazi scientists after the Second World War. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Sterilising Desirables: - ?????????

DOSS 191 views

Operation Gladio: Did The CIA Commit Acts Of Terrorism? 0    0

How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: - ??????...

DOSS 185 views

The Vietnam War: America's Abandoned Soldiers 0    0

The controversial cover up of America's abandoned soldiers. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Business Plot: Fascist Coup In The White House: - ????????...

DOSS 220 views

Did Aliens Force Pope Benedict To Resign? 0    0

"Did Aliens Force Pope Benedict To Resign? In February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI suddenly resigned. Offiicially this was due to his poor health - but was there more to his resignation than we ...

DOSS 221 views

The Men Who Tried To Kill Hitler 0    0

The Men Who To Tried Kill Hitler Adolf Hitler survived many assassination attempts over his political career. Alltime Conspiracies looks at some of those brave men who tried to kill Hitler. Don&...

DOSS 260 views

FEMA: The Future US Police State? 0    0

Executive orders may be setting FEMA up as the ultimate authroity in the USA. Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endboard Lin...

DOSS 218 views

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold 0    0

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold - Did the Vatican take gold stolen by the Nazis during the Holocaust? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ---------------...

DOSS 223 views

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 0    0

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln The United States of America's finest President was brutally killed on April 15th, 1865. How large was the conspiracy to murder him? Don't forg...

DOSS 261 views