Resultados de la búsqueda threat

Disturbing Things About Microsoft 0    0

Disturbing Things About Microsoft Microsoft has been a dominant force in the consumer electronics and software business for decades, and now its name is almost synonymous with the PC. Here are some u...

DOSS 227 Vistas

5 Things You Didn't Know About Left-Handed People 0    0

5 Things You Didn't Know About Left-Handed People. It is a fact that the world was designed for right-handed people. Being left-handed means there are a lot of little, everyday inconvenience...

DOSS 203 Vistas

Everything You Need to Know About Korea 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! Everything You Need to Know About Korea. While North Korea usually gets all the attention, South Korea is a pretty awesome place. It has survived Japanese colonizati...

DOSS 232 Vistas

Asking 200 Girls For Sex (Social Experiment) 0    0

Sex // Girl Version ► Vlogs & Extras ► http://www.yo...

Kristi22 197 Vistas

The Octopus: Murder, Espionage and Treason 0    0

A roving reporter died uncovering one of the greatest conspiracies in US history. But what is The Octopus? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Hunting Nazis and Nukes:

DOSS 173 Vistas

Did Big Business Make Cannabis Illegal? 0    0

Did Big Business Suppress Cannabis? The United States government criminalized marijuana in 1937. Pro-hemp campaigners believe there was a massive plot by industrialists to suppress cannabis because o...

DOSS 247 Vistas

Extinction In Numbers 0    0

Extinction In Numbers Did you know that 99% of the world's species are threatened by extinction? That's a lot more than died out in the Big Dying, when nearly all the world&apos...

DOSS 203 Vistas

The Suppression of Free Energy 0    0

Free and clean energy technology may have been suppressed by big oil companies and the US government. ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - The Missing Tesla Files: - ??...

DOSS 197 Vistas

Did Obama Create ISIS? 0    0

Did Obama Create ISIS? What events triggered the creation of ISIS? Could the President of the United States have someonthing to do with it? Music = Critical Mass by David O'Brien Don&a...

DOSS 265 Vistas

How Dangerous Is Iran? 0    0

Iran's desire for nuclear weapons and its aggressive foreign policy has led to it being declared one of the biggest threats to the Western world. But just how dangerous is Iran? Alltime Consp...

DOSS 216 Vistas

Will Humanity Be Extinct In 100 Years? 0    0

We live in a time of global crisis. Natural disasters wipe out thousands of people every year and they're set to get worse; meanwhile, technology develops at an unabated rate and without prop...

DOSS 242 Vistas

Is Islam The New Communism? 0    0

Is Islam The New Communism? Throughout the Cold War, the American public was united against an ideological threat called Communism, which was physically represented by the armies and nuclear arsenals...

DOSS 209 Vistas

How Dangerous Is Israel? 0    0

An EU poll named Israel as the country that possess the biggest threat to world peace. With an arsenal of undeclared nuclear weapons, a reputation for assassinating political enemies and rising tensio...

DOSS 247 Vistas

How Dangerous is Russia? 0    0

Russian deployment into Crimea has been deeply troubling for the Western powers. But is this expansionism a serious threat or is it simply a desperate attempt by Putin to flex the little amount of pow...

DOSS 223 Vistas

How Dangerous Is North Korea? 0    0

Kim Jong-un has no problem flaunting his country's military might. But just how much of a threat does North Korea really pose to it's neighbours and the rest of the world? Find out h...

DOSS 159 Vistas