Resultados de la búsqueda voanews

Language Barriers Add to Migrants’ Difficulties in Europe 0    0

The journey for the tens of thousands fleeing conflict in the Middle East is already difficult, but as VOA’s Ayesha Tanzeem reports from Belgrade, Serbia, their difficulties are compounded by an ina...

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Activists Demand Greater US Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis 0    0

With no end in sight to the Syrian refugee crisis, hundreds of activists and protesters gathered in New York's Union Square on Saturday, demanding the U.S. government lead by example ...

Saller 184 Vistas

US Lawmakers Scrutinize Obama Plan to Admit Syrian Refugees 0    0

U.S. lawmakers are scrutinizing the Obama administration's plan to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States, where the possibility of terrorist infiltrators is a top concern....

Saller 187 Vistas

Refugees on the Move: Hurtling Towards Hungary 0    0

Most of the thousands of refugees aboard had arrived in Greece over the past few days on rubber boats after harrowing all-night journeys from Turkey. Many slept in parks near the port; others camped ...

Saller 198 Vistas

Supporters Rally Behind Hungarian PM’s Anti-Migrant Polici... 0    0

As the Hungarian prime minister faces criticism from human rights groups and leaders of some European countries for his policies towards Middle Eastern migrants, his supporters gathered in Budapest Su...

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Washington Basilica Prepares for First Canonization Mass 0    0

With a few days to go until Pope Francis arrives in Washington, preparations for the first canonization mass in the United States are well under way. VOA’s Katherine Gypson reports from the city&...

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NYC Vendors Prepare for Pope's Arrival 0    0

Pope Francis will arrive in New York City on Thursday for part of his whirlwind American tour. The city is bracing for huge crowds, and savvy vendors are readying their merchandise for sale. VOA’s M...

Saller 183 Vistas

As Hispanic Americans Leave Catholicism, Church Looks to Pop... 0    0

Nearly one-third of American Catholics are Hispanic, according to a new Pew Research Center study. But the report says Hispanics are also leaving the faith at a high rate. In 2010, 67 percent of Hispa...

Saller 244 Vistas

Twitter Hashtag Gives Back to Social Media Pope 0    0

Pope Francis is the most followed world leader on Twitter and for his first visit to Washington, he is getting a very special gift, thanks to social media. VOA’s Katherine Gypson reports. Origina...

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As Obama Greets Pope, Poor Workers Hope for Help 0    0

Ahead of Pope Francis' meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House and his speech to Congress, low-wage contract workers who cook and clean for U.S. lawmakers walked off th...

Saller 246 Vistas

As Obama Meets Pope, Poor Workers Hope for Help 0    0

Ahead of Pope Francis' meeting at the White House and his speech to Congress, low-wage contract workers who cook and clean for U.S. lawmakers walked off their jobs Tuesday at the U.S....

Saller 206 Vistas

Americans, Obama Welcome Pope at White House 0    0

President Barack Obama warmly welcomed Pope Francis to the White House Wednesday as the Pontiff formally began his visit to the United States. VOA'S Jeff Custer reports from Washingt...

Saller 161 Vistas

Pope Francis' Speech to Congress: Remarks on Extremism 0    0

In his speech to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress, Pope Francis called for a "delicate balance" in fighting religious extremism to ensure that fundamental freedom...

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The Pope is Coming to New York 0    0

With the Pope now heading from Washington to New York, VOA asked New Yorkers what they were thinking ahead of the papal visit. Originally published at -

Saller 241 Vistas

Pope Urges US Congress to Put Aside Divisions 0    0

Pope Francis continued his visit to the United States with an address Thursday before a joint session of Congress, where he called on legislators — and the American people — to set aside divisions...

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