Search results for washing

Urban Farm Takes Root Amid Strip Malls 0    0

EcoCity Farms grows vegetables in winter. The Edmonston, Maryland farm near washington is an unlikely place to harvest produce in any season. Its four climate-controlled greenhouses standout in an oth...

Saller 445 views

Bees Are Misunderstood, Experts Say 0    0

Many of us swat or shoo away the buzzing bee that invades so many a summer picnic. But, we may be upsetting a creature with little interest in humans, and many argue that the striped insect is as imp...

Saller 242 views

Green Net Zero House 0    0

What makes a home "green" if there is no standard by which to judge energy efficiency? As VOA's Rebecca Ward reports, a new, high-tech home outside ...

Saller 268 views

Thousands March on White House to Protest Climate Change 0    0

Thousands of protesters gathered outside the White House, to urge President Barack Obama to aggressively combat climate change. VOA's Sean Maroney reports from the protest in washing...

Saller 226 views

Exhibit Highlights Butterfly's Beauty, Diversity, Value... 0    0

As spring makes its slow return to the hemisphere, the Smithsonian Institution's Natural History Museum in washington, D.C., is marking the occasion with one of its most popular exhib...

Saller 214 views

Life in Soil Impacts Life Above Ground 0    0

Talk of protecting the environment and slowing climate change usually focuses on the air and water. But this year's winner of the prestigious Tyler Environmental Prize, honored at a W...

Saller 246 views

Somalis, Yemenis Face US Prosecution for Khat 0    0

Thirteen natives of Somalia and Yemen are on trial in U.S. Federal Court near washington for allegedly smuggling millions of dollars' worth of khat into the United States. Khat is a p...

Saller 271 views

Kenya's FlipFlop Recycling Company turns Ocean's T... 0    0

While doing marine conservation projects at the Kenyan coast several years ago, one woman observed children making toys out of flip-flops that were washing up on shore. So she started a business to ma...

Saller 208 views

Wastewater Plants Extract Nutrients from Sewage 0    0

Sewage treatment plants around the world are beginning to put value on waste, turning it into a marketable resource. Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in washington is the largest facili...

Saller 278 views

Bones Form Visual Petition Against Genocide 0    0

It started with just one bone, and within a few hours, over one million of them were laid out in front of the U.S. Capitol in washington. The display was a collaborative effort, involving 30 countries...

Saller 206 views

Photos Highlight Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Displaced Person... 0    0

Renowned photographer Sebastian Rich has spent much of his career traveling around the world documenting the plight of people in war and conflict. In washington, an exhibit of his work called &am...

Saller 224 views

Inauguration Day - HD Timelapse of the U.S. Capitol 0    0

A YouTube exclusive video -- high definition (HD) video showing the U.S Capitol from sunup to mid-afternoon on Inauguration Day in washington D.C. -- including the inauguration of Barack Obama as the ...

Saller 217 views



DOSS 280 views

Activists: Nigeria Elections Should Be Postponed 0    0

Nigerian expatriates, activists recently gathered in washington to denounce deadly raids and massacres by militant group Boko Haram, and some urged that next month’s presidential polls be delayed. M...

Saller 202 views

Students Welcome Obama’s Free College Plan 0    0

President Barack Obama recently announced a plan to make two years of community college free for all eligible Americans, calling education and technical training essential pathways to the U.S. middle ...

Saller 253 views