Unforgettable 30 Goals In Football History ● Impossible To Forget - Part 2
Hi, Here is the 2nd video of the unforgettable goals series.In this video we have compiled goals for the history of football. I hope you will like it
It took 4 days to prepare this video, I took samples from sites like yoursoccerdose.com and hdmatches.com and used programs like Vegas Pro, Camtasia and Filmora9 for video editing.
SONG 1: Altro - Epic
SONG 2: Alex Skrindo & Spektrel - Velocity
It took 4 days to prepare this video, I took samples from sites like yoursoccerdose.com and hdmatches.com and used programs like Vegas Pro, Camtasia and Filmora9 for video editing.
SONG 1: Altro - Epic
SONG 2: Alex Skrindo & Spektrel - Velocity
Published 5 years ago
Tagsunforgattable goals historical goals historical soccer goals impossible to forget amazing goals best goals in football history crazy football goals unforgettable goals football football history football history best goals best insane top soccer rare goals in football rare legendary futebol robben goal manchester juninho goal barcelona kaka goal vs manchester sabitzer goal vs zenit cenk tosun gol benfica gerrard goal balotelli goal vs germany