Résultats de recherche pour 274

10 Best Places to Visit in Germany - Germany Travel 0    0

Germany Travel Guide and Tips: 10 Best Places to Visit in Germany and Tourist Attractions in Germany. List of Best Places to Visit in Germany: 1. Berlin, 2. Munich, 3. Neuschwanstein, 4. Heidelberg, ...

Koka44 525 Vues

World's Greatest Drag Race 6! 0    0

As part of Motor Trend’s annual Best Driver’s Car competition powered by Mothers, we line up the contenders on an airstrip and bask in the glory of horsepower, wheelspin, and launch control. This ...

Koka44 487 Vues

World's Greatest Drag Race 6! 0    0

As part of Motor Trend’s annual Best Driver’s Car competition powered by Mothers, we line up the contenders on an airstrip and bask in the glory of horsepower, wheelspin, and launch control. This ...

Koka44 7,515 Vues

Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (A Fan Film) 0    0

CHECK OUT THE TRAILER FOR THE UPCOMING WEB-SERIES!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQix4t918z4 Marvel Knights: Spider-Man is a no-budget fan film produced by Made Legit Media and directed by Jess...

Koka44 564 Vues

Somali Hotel Chain Owner Strives to Make a Difference 0    0

Many in the Somali diaspora are returning home to make a new life despite the continuing risks. Since 2011 when a military campaign against Al-Shabab militants began making progress, members of the d...

Saller 297 Vues

Security, Counterterrorism a Focus in Kerry’s Kenya Talks 0    0

U.S. and Kenyan officials have discussed ways to broaden counterterrorism strategies in the wake of Islamist militant attacks in East Africa. VOA State Department correspondent Pam Dockins has the st...

Saller 203 Vues

On the Scene: Baltimore Protest March 0    0

More than a thousand demonstrators marched through downtown Baltimore Wednesday in what the police commissioner called an "extremely peaceful" protest demanding more ...

Saller 237 Vues

Women Face Unique Challenges in US Politics 0    0

While the number of women who are in the U.S. Congress has reached a record high, they make make up just 20% of the House and Senate combined - much less than the U.S. population at large where just o...

Saller 216 Vues

Volunteers Pull Together to Aid Baltimore Riot Victims 0    0

Calm has returned to Baltimore, Maryland, after authorities lifted an overnight curfew imposed almost a week ago to stem the rioting that followed the funeral of Freddie Gray - the 25-year-old black m...

Saller 203 Vues

Abraham Lincoln Funeral Re-created for 150th Civil War Anniv... 0    0

Over the last four years, commemorative events to mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War have brought thousands of visitors to battlefields and historic landmarks across the country. As VOA...

Saller 263 Vues

Zarif: Nuclear Deal an 'Opportunity That Should Not be ... 0    0

Iran’s foreign minister says a nuclear deal between his country and six major world powers is an 'opportunity that should not be missed.' Speaking at New York Unive...

Saller 260 Vues

Scary Freezing ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - In Super Slow Moti... 0    0

YOU CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT ALS HERE: http://alsa.pub30.convio.net/about-als/ DONATE ALS Association Here: https://secure2.convio.net/alsa/site/Donation2?df_id=27420&27420.donation=fo...

Saller 230 Vues

Top 10 Unique Bridges Around The World 0    0

10. Glacier Skywalk: Glacier Skywalk is a stunning attraction in Jasper National Park. It is five minutes from the Discovery Center at the Columbia Glacier. This marvelous bridge lets you literally st...

Saller 247 Vues