Resultados de la búsqueda First iPhone

Evolution of the iPhone (Animation) [NEW] 0    0

From its 2007 debut to the innovative advancements of the iPhone 15, Apple has consistently transformed the smartphone landscape—this is the evolution of the iPhone! SUBSCRIBE for more Animations...

AB 24 Vistas

iPhone 6s vs 1st Gen iPhone! 0    0

iPhone 6s vs the original first generation iPhone 1: not your average comparison. How Fast is the iPhone 6s? After eight years of upgrades the iPhone 6s is a solid phone ...

Tengiz 266 Vistas

[HD] Steve Jobs - iPhone Introduction in 2007 (Complete) 0    0

Die komplette Keynote vom ersten iPhone. "Das iPhone [ˈa͡ɪfo͡ʊn] ist eine Smartphone-Reihe von Apple, die 2007 gestartet wurde.[1] Bislang sind sechs Gerätegenerationen auf dem Markt,...

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