Résultats de recherche pour General Election

Election Day Prank 0    0

In the lead up to the General Elections Trollstation decide to dress up as Politicians from rival Parties and bottle each other with fake sugar glass. Big up Dapper Laughs lol Click here to subscribe...

DOSS 216 Vues

Are We Living In A Fake Democracy? 0    0

Are We Living In A Fake Democracy? With every year that passes, another corrupt politician or political scheme is exposed. With increasingly right-wing political parties serving the interests of capi...

DOSS 209 Vues

Lib Dem blogger's naked run after election bet - BBC Ne... 0    0

Lib Dem activist Stephen Tall thought his party would do better than the polls suggested ahead of the General Election, and pledged to run naked along Whitehall if they lost half their MPs. After the...

Tengiz 208 Vues