Resultados de la búsqueda Lyrics Pick Up Girls

Vevo - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 26 – Frank Sinatra 0    0

Frank Sinatra Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 26) I used some swingin' tunes by Frank Sinatra to swoon a few dolls around town! Or at least I tried. I even dressed the part with a...

DOSS 218 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 22 – Robin Thicke 0    0

Robin Thicke Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 22) I'm bringing awkward back with a brand new season of Lyric Lines! That's right, I'm still girlfriend-less, and t...

DOSS 243 Vistas

Vevo - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 24 – Britney Spears 0    0

Britney Spears Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 24) Britney Spears was my first celebrity crush as a kid, so naturally I decided it's time I break out her old songs and see if they...

DOSS 232 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 21 – Selena Gomez 0    0

Selena Gomez Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 21) I couldn't stop laughing the first time I heard "Come & Get It" by Selena Gomez, because I knew I needed...

DOSS 261 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 17 – 50 Cent 0    0

50 Cent Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 18) Romantically-challenged filmmaker Tommy Wooldridge can't get a girlfriend. But he's got an idea. He’s going to use lyrics ...

DOSS 235 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 14 - Train 0    0

Train Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 14) This week I decided to skip the whole "dating" process and find a girl who'll head straight to the alter with me. So, n...

DOSS 206 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 13 - NSYNC 0    0

NSYNC Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 13) It appears I may be destined to die alone, and It's Tearin' Up My Heart! So I looked to the lyrics of another 90's boy ...

DOSS 217 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 5 - Rihanna Lyrics Pick Up Girl... 0    0

Rihanna Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 5) Although I have a high-pitched voice, I have no clue how to speak the female language. But you know who's fluent in girl-talk? Rihanna! ...

DOSS 234 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 15 – Luke Bryan 0    0

Luke Bryan Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 15) Luke Bryan told me himself that all I need to win a gal's heart is to be a southern gentleman. And since Luke's lyrics make...

DOSS 288 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 11 - Lady Gaga 0    0

Lady Gaga Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 11) I want a Bad Romance. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be "bad," as long as it's romantic. So, I decid...

DOSS 205 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 9 - P!nk 0    0

P!nk Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 9) Like P!nk always says, I just gotta get up and try try try. And this time, I'm trying with P!nk's lyrics! I've decided I ...

DOSS 203 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 10 - Backstreet Boys 0    0

Backstreet Boys Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 9) As a kid, I saw how millions of girls became obsessed with the Backstreet Boys and knew one day the same would happen for me (things didn...

DOSS 218 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 18 – Katy Perry 0    0

Katy Perry Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 18) I wanted to have a little competition with one of my favorite YouTubers, Jon Cozart , to see who can get the most kisse...

DOSS 202 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 4 - Usher Lyrics Pick Up Girls? 0    0

Usher Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 4) I’ve realized I'm too shy and need more confidence when talking to girls. I need to man up and just go for it. So, I decided to turn ...

DOSS 231 Vistas

VEVO - Vevo Lyric Lines: Ep. 6 - Ed Sheeran 0    0

Ed Sheeran Lyrics Pick Up Girls? #VEVOLyricLines (Ep. 6) Romantically-challenged filmmaker Tommy Wooldridge can’t get a girlfriend. But he’s got an idea. He’s going to use lyrics from today’...

DOSS 250 Vistas