Résultats de recherche pour Standing Mile

The 1,100 HP Switzer Ultimate Street Edition GTR - /TUNED 0    0

It wasn't long ago that driving a 1000+ horsepower car came with many sacrifices. These were race or show cars, not to be used daily. Enter the Switzer "Ultimate Street" GTR...

DOSS 180 Vues

2015 Subaru WRX STI vs. 2014 Porsche Cayman | STANDING MILE 0    0

We pit a 2015 Subaru WRX STI and a 2014 Porsche Cayman against each other in the closest Automobile Magazine's Standing Mile yet! Which car is quicker?

Koka44 211 Vues

Forza Horizon 2 (XB1) | 750+HP E34 M5 Build | Meet, Drifting... 0    0

First car I tried out from the Duracell car pack DLC (next is the CRX!) it's a pretty heavy car but it makes a good amount of power for it's class. Held up well again...

Koka44 397 Vues