Suchergebnisse für Syrian refugees

Photos Highlight Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Displaced Person... 0    0

Renowned photographer Sebastian Rich has spent much of his career traveling around the world documenting the plight of people in war and conflict. In Washington, an exhibit of his work called &am...

Saller 224 Ansichten

Five Immigration Myths Debunked - HD - Nation of Immigrants... 0    0

Radio 3Fourteen, Syrian Girl: The Greatest Story Never Told: TGSNT (Documentary): https...

Modigliani 239 Ansichten

US to Review Refugee Numbers, Resettlement Process 0    0

The Obama administration would like to further increase the number of Syrian refugees that it resettles in the United States, says the State Department. But U.S. officials are balancing the desire to...

Saller 291 Ansichten

Syrian Refugees Given New Hope for Education in Lebanon 0    0

With a half-million school age Syrian refugees in Lebanon, many are deprived of an education. But as school gets set to begin, the Lebanese government is embarking on a $94 million educational drive t...

Saller 190 Ansichten

Syrian Refugees in Turkey Miss Home on Eid 0    0

Almost two million Syrians have taken refuge in neighboring Turkey. Many of them have been separated from their families. VOA's Ayesha Tanzeem was in Istanbul and found out how they w...

Saller 165 Ansichten

Europe Pledges $1.1 Billion Aid to Refugees 0    0

European leaders have pledged more than $1 billion to help Syrian refugees in the Middle East, in an attempt to stop the flow of migrants arriving on the continent’s southern shores. But big differ...

Saller 206 Ansichten

Refugees Arrive at Austrian Border; More on the Way 0    0

Hundreds of refugees left Budapest’s Keleti train station and reached the border of Austria on Saturday aboard buses provided by the Hungarian government. But authorities were bracing for a new wave...

Saller 257 Ansichten

Refugees Flee Across Turkish Border 0    0

As Syrian refugees travel by the masses into Europe, they continue to stream out of the technically closed land border with Turkey. VOA’s Heather Murdock reports. Originally published at - http:/...

Saller 293 Ansichten

Public Outcry Over Refugee Horrors Gives Some Syrian Orphans... 0    0

Syrian war orphans fleeing their country are usually deeply traumatized. But as a stream of refugees makes its way through Europe, some orphans say the death of one child could mean a better life for...

Saller 270 Ansichten

Britain to Accept 20,000 Syrian Refugees 0    0

In a policy reversal, Britain has announced it will take in tens of thousands of refugees from Syria. It follows a public outpouring of distress across Europe after pictures were published last week s...

Saller 293 Ansichten

'Our Adventure Has Started,' Syrian Refugees Embar... 0    0

The men had already wrapped their passports, money and college records in saran wrap, tape and balloons. Phones and chargers were placed in waterproof satchels, and each had a new knife in his pocket ...

Saller 218 Ansichten

Migrant Flow Across Serbian-Hungary Border Shows Little Sign... 0    0

As European countries continue debating how to deal with the influx of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries, the situation on the Serbia-Hungary border has been reaching a cri...

Saller 217 Ansichten

Activists Demand Greater US Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis 0    0

With no end in sight to the Syrian refugee crisis, hundreds of activists and protesters gathered in New York's Union Square on Saturday, demanding the U.S. government lead by example ...

Saller 184 Ansichten

US Lawmakers Scrutinize Obama Plan to Admit Syrian Refugees 0    0

U.S. lawmakers are scrutinizing the Obama administration's plan to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States, where the possibility of terrorist infiltrators is a top concern....

Saller 187 Ansichten