Suchergebnisse für Yuri Gagarin

Evrende Yolculuk - Cosmos HD 0    0

İnsanoğlunun ilk çağlardan beri süregelen merakı, düşünen ve araştırmacı yapısı hemen her konuda olduğu gibi uzay konusunda araştırma yapmasına neden olmaktadır. Günümüzde NASA, ...

Modigliani 258 Ansichten

Russia in Numbers 0    0

Russia, is the world’s largest nation, with 11 time zones and 146 million people, find out all you need to know about this fascinating country with AllTime Numbers! Music = Russian Paddlers by Igo...

DOSS 267 Ansichten

Is The Moon Landing Footage Real? 0    0

In the 1960s the space race was at its peak, with the USSR and USA both competing for interstellar supremacy by the end of the decade. Could it be that to overcome the financial and technical obstacle...

DOSS 235 Ansichten