Search results for area 52

The Missing Pilot Conspiracy: Alien Abduction? 0    0

Was This Man Abducted By Aliens? In 1978 Frederick Valentich disappeared while on a routine training flight, Before he vanished, he sent a radio transmission describing an unknown craft approaching ...

DOSS 187 views

9/11 Conspiracy: Did A Missile Hit The Pentagon? 0    0

9/11: Did A Missile Hit The Pentagon? From the moment the first footage hit the news, conspiracy theorists have doubted the official story that American Airlines 77 crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11....

DOSS 228 views

What Is Area 51 Hiding? 0    0

Area 51 was only acknowledged by the CIA in August 2013, but why did this confirmation take so long? What could the government be trying to hide? Alltime Conspiracies takes a look at the facts. ----...

DOSS 213 views

Area 51: A Cover Up For Area 52? 0    0

Area 51: Cover Up For area 52? Is the notorious Area 51 really a distraction for the public from the U.S. government's real secret - area 52? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Con...

DOSS 195 views

Are UFO Sightings Being Covered Up? 0    0

Do NASA's astronauts know about extra-terrestrial life? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - Moon ...

DOSS 201 views

Did Dinosaurs Survive Extinction? 0    0

Are Dinosaurs Still Alive? They are supposed to have become extinct for 65 million years. But numerous stories from around the world describe dinosaur-like creatures...could dinosaurs still be alive?...

DOSS 225 views

Do Aliens Exist? 0    0

Do Aliens Exist? Alltime Conspiracies looks at the different types of evidence for the existence of aliens. From Roswell to The Shag Harbor Incident, people have claimed to have seen mysterious creat...

DOSS 189 views

5 Most Top Secret Military Locations 0    0

The 5 most secret government locations and military bases in the world, from top secret submarine bases and supercomputers armed with nuclear weapons to the new Area 51. Subscribe to Dark5 ► http://...

DOSS 200 views