Résultats de recherche pour end of the world

Ghosts In Numbers 0    0

Almost half of Americans believe in them, a third of Brits say they've lived in a house which contains them and they're pretty darn easy to dress up as for Halloween! This is Ghosts ...

DOSS 281 Vues

The Nuclear Apocalypse In Numbers 0    0

With the nuclear capabilities of nations across the world only increasing, Alltime Numbers looks at devastating affect a nuclear apocalypse scenario would have and the fallout that would ensue. This i...

DOSS 195 Vues

The Sun In Numbers 0    0

Do you remember when a solar flare nearly hit the Earth? Do you know how much longer we've got left until the Sun dies? How many Jaffa Cakes can you fit across the Sun? Find out the thrilling...

DOSS 232 Vues

Extinction In Numbers 0    0

Extinction In Numbers Did you know that 99% of the world's species are threatened by extinction? That's a lot more than died out in the Big Dying, when nearly all the world&apos...

DOSS 203 Vues

Jade Helm: Is The U.S. Military Invading Texas? 0    0

7 states, 8 weeks and 1200 soldiers. Is America's military exercise, more than just training drill? Is the U.S Government preparing to invade Texas? Don't forget to Subscribe for m...

DOSS 208 Vues

Who Are The Majestic 12? 0    0

Majestic 12: Covering Up UFOs Just who are the Majestic 12, and what is their involvement in UFOs? Have UFO sightings been covered up by the Canadian authorities? ------------------ Video Endboar...

DOSS 215 Vues

Is The Pope The False Prophet Of The Apocalypse? 0    0

Pope Francis' progressive views on climate change, homosexuality and his recognition of the state of Palestine have led some conservative christians to suggest that he is undermining the chri...

DOSS 269 Vues

Is The Anti-Christ Already Amongst Us? 0    0

Is the Anti-Christ Already Amongst Us? In the 16th century, Nostradamus predicted the Anti-Christ would come before the end of the world, and that his name would be Mabus. Who is Mabus? Could he be a...

DOSS 242 Vues

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Planet Earth 0    0

Dominant Media take over Alltime Numbers to present the 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Planet Earth! Subscribe to Dominant Media here: http://www.youtube.com/user/rad4555677?sub_confirmation=1 ...

DOSS 163 Vues

Is The Apocalypse Near? 0    0

The magic of the Moon has long had a mysterious influence over the Earth - but a strange prophecy foretells that a tetrad of Blood Moons will mark the most significant event in world history... The ne...

DOSS 252 Vues

Will Humanity Be Extinct In 100 Years? 0    0

We live in a time of global crisis. Natural disasters wipe out thousands of people every year and they're set to get worse; meanwhile, technology develops at an unabated rate and without prop...

DOSS 242 Vues

The Mystery Of The Voynich Manuscript 0    0

The Mystery Of The Voynich Manuscript The Voynich Manuscript is written in a language or script that is notoriously impossible to decode. Is it a lost language, a unique code or an elaborate hoax? D...

DOSS 237 Vues

Are Tracking Chips Being Implanted Into Humans? 0    0

Are Tracking Chips Being Implanted Into Humans? The latest techno gadget craze to develop is implanted microchips, which could let us use all our devices with just a swipe of our hands. But could the...

DOSS 209 Vues

The Universe In Numbers 0    0

The Universe In Numbers - How big is the universe? How long will it take to get to Mars? How hot is space? Find out here! Ever wondered why Pluto is not considered a planet? Find out here: https://ww...

DOSS 215 Vues

The End Of The World In Numbers 0    0

When Will The World End? Ever wondered what the end of the world will be like? Be a nuclear annihilation or asteroid apocalypse, learn some scary stuff about the end of the world! Subscribe to Allt...

DOSS 229 Vues