Résultats de recherche pour glycerine

BOILED COKE LAVA! - Potassium Permanganate and Glycerin - In... 0    0

Subscribe to CrazyRussianHacker https://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyRussianHacker Boiled Coke Just Got a Whole New Meaning!!! ...or Potassium Permanganate and Glycerin Incredible Chemical Reaction in...

Saller 203 Vues

QC#38 - Matchless Fire Starter 0    0

Two chemicals spontaneously combust when mixed, and start a survival fire without matches. Full project video: http://youtu.be/ja_6Yin9JuM The survival pouch you see in this video is from http://bit...

DOSS 245 Vues