Search results for molten metal

TB#4 - Electrical Sparks in Slow Motion 0    0

Here's where you can try the new Watchdogs Digital Shadow experience! Electricity sparks off an array of molten metal spheres that resemble the fabric ...

DOSS 243 views

Cheap Molten Metal & Crystals 0    0

Everyone loved gallium but wanted a cheaper solution. Introducing Bismuth! We all want to melt down some metal for ourselves and make crazy molds.... Well here is the CHEAP way to do it. Did you kn...

DOSS 236 views

Melt Metal Easily! (Gallium) 0    0

Have you ever dreamed of melting down a metal with nothing more than your fingers? Here is your chance. Gallium is a fun metal capable of breaking down to a liquid at 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Let&...

DOSS 216 views