Resultados de la búsqueda plethron

Misconceptions About Humans and the Human Body 0    0

7 Misconceptions About Humans and the Human Body When it comes to the human body. Misconceptions could jeopardize your personal safety. Here is our list of misconceptions about humans and the human b...

DOSS 245 Vistas

The State of Social Media During 2013 0    0

The state of social media during 2013 For many of us, it's hard to believe that 2013 is over. It was a big year for social media, as Twitter went public, Snapchat rejected a $3B offer from F...

DOSS 186 Vistas

Awesome Facts About Coffee 0    0

Awesome Facts About Coffee If you love coffee you already know for a fact how magical it can be, especially on a day when you need a pick-me-up or a comforting treat. But there’s more to this delic...

DOSS 250 Vistas

Top 10 Countries With the Most Digital Natives 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! SHARE THIS VIDEO - Top 10 Countries With the Most Digital Natives. A digital native is a person who was born after the general introduction o...

DOSS 212 Vistas

Unusual 21st Century Deaths 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! SHARE THIS VIDEO 9 Unusual 21st Century Deaths As mortal beings, death holds a particular fascination for us. It is the ultimate price to pay...

DOSS 218 Vistas

Walking Corpse Syndrome - Random But Interesting #2 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! SHARE THIS VIDEO - Walking Corpse Syndrome - Random But Interesting #2 A collection of the most interesting facts gathered from all around th...

DOSS 205 Vistas

Features of Your Biological Clock 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! SHARE THIS! Some Features of Your Biological Clock. Here is the text version of this video -

DOSS 204 Vistas

5 Religious Fails That Resulted in Death 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! 5 Religious Fails That Resulted in Death For decades people have slaughtered each other in large numbers because of differences in religious beliefs. But nobody held...

DOSS 254 Vistas

8 Interesting Music Facts Part 2 - Music Facts Part 2 0    0

8 Interesting Facts About Music (PART 1) - Music is so awesome, it can affect your mood, brainwaves, and even your heartbeat! Here are even more interestin...

DOSS 240 Vistas

Prices Around the World 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! Prices Around the World Some items have vastly different prices in different countries. To help you get an idea of how much you'll spend on common goods abr...

DOSS 274 Vistas

8 Facts You Didn't Know About the Casinos in the U.S. 0    0

SUBSCRIBE! SHARE THIS VIDEO 8 Statistics You Didn't Know About the Casinos in the U.S. Text version of this video -

DOSS 216 Vistas

8 Facts About Planet of the Apes | Planet of the Apes Facts 0    0

8 Facts About Planet of the Apes Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is arguably evolving to be the biggest film of 2014, so here are 8 facts about planet of the apes. SUBSCRIBE - SH...

DOSS 203 Vistas

8 Extremely Bizarre Phobias 0    0

A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of a specific situation, object, person or activity. While we are generally familiar with common phobias such as acrophobia (fear of heights) and claustropho...

DOSS 238 Vistas

FIFA World Cup Facts - Brazil World Cup Facts 2014 0    0

FIFA World Cup Facts - Brazil World Cup Facts 2014 Here are some interesting facts about the 2014 FIFA World Cup that is held in Brazil. The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event in the ...

DOSS 238 Vistas

What if the Speed of Light is Just Not Enough? 0    0

What if faster than light travel is impossible? Light travels so fast that it can orbit the earth 7 times in 1 second, but what if it's not fast enough? what if the speed of light is the max...

DOSS 235 Vistas