Résultats de recherche pour refugee crisis

Migrant Crisis in Calais | Trollstation Experience 0    0

Migrant Crisis in Calais | Trollstation Experience http://www.redcross.org.uk/Donate-Now/Make-a-single-donation/Europe-Refugee-Crisis-Appeal/Europe-Refugee-Crisis-Appeal-search?gclid=Cj0KEQjwyK-vBRCp...

DOSS 193 Vues

Five Immigration Myths Debunked - HD - Nation of Immigrants... 0    0

Radio 3Fourteen, Syrian Girl: http://www.redicecreations.com/radio3fourteen/2015/R314-151007.php The Greatest Story Never Told: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZsd0TEWppA TGSNT (Documentary): https...

Modigliani 239 Vues

Europe Missed Signs of Refugee Crisis After Arab Spring Spaw... 0    0

Europe is only now being forced to take seriously the refugee crisis that's been roiling the Middle East and North Africa since civil conflict gathered pace after the Arab Spring upri...

Saller 181 Vues

Drowned Migrant Toddler Photo Triggers European Outrage 0    0

The harrowing picture of a drowned three-year-old Syrian boy washed up on a Turkish beach appears to have galvanized Europe’s leaders into doing more to address the refugee crisis. France, Germany...

Saller 288 Vues

Europe Braces for New Wave of Refugees 0    0

Thousands of refugees have been crossing the border from Hungary into Austria, after the Hungarian government started relaxing restrictions. Aid workers and Austrian officials are expecting the influx...

Saller 276 Vues

Migrant Crisis Volunteers in Budapest, Hungary 0    0

Both Austria and Hungary witnessed a spike in the number of migrants crossing their respective borders overnight. The two countries are at the forefront of Europe's refugee crisis. E...

Saller 268 Vues

US Criticized On Refugee Crisis 0    0

The United States announced this week it would take in 10,000 displaced Syrians during the next 12 months.   That's a  jump from the less than 2,000 allowed in last fiscal year.  ...

Saller 219 Vues

Activists Demand Greater US Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis 0    0

With no end in sight to the Syrian refugee crisis, hundreds of activists and protesters gathered in New York's Union Square on Saturday, demanding the U.S. government lead by example ...

Saller 184 Vues

PM David Cameron: 'Immigration should mean controlled i... 0    0

Prime Minister David Cameron says "we need to do more" to try and control immigration. He says the country should be "open to talent&quot...

Tengiz 194 Vues

Migrant crisis: Body of a baby boy found on Kos beach - BBC ... 0    0

It is now a month since the body of three-year-old Alan Kurdi was pictured on a beach in Turkey. Despite an international outcry, children are continuing to die. Figures from the international organi...

Tengiz 197 Vues

Can Turkey stop the migration flow? BBC News 0    0

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in Brussels to discuss the migration crisis with EU leaders. Turkey has become the key to stopping the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees trying ...

Tengiz 227 Vues