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War-Weary People of Congo Hope for Lasting Peace 0    0

African leaders from the Great Lakes region are meeting Thursday to find a solution to fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo between the armed forces and M23 militants. VOA East Africa Correspo...

Saller 196 views

Nigeria Struggles With Surging Boko Haram Violence 0    0

A string of violent attacks being blamed on Boko Haram militants in Nigeria has security analysts worried the group is growing stronger. While the Nigerian government says it's handl...

Saller 188 views

Africa Looks to Nuclear Power to Light Up Continent 0    0

At least three African nations are looking to add nuclear power to their grid. Kenya and Nigeria want to establish nuclear energy. South Africa, the only sub-Saharan nation with nuclear facilities, is...

Saller 218 views

African Stars Give ‘Band Aid 30’ Ebola Track Cool Welcom... 0    0

Dozens of British music stars have come together to record a new version of the song ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ to raise money for the fight against Ebola. But as Henry Ridgwell reports from...

Saller 195 views

Nigerians Fleeing Boko Haram Languish in Camp Near Capital 0    0

In its five-year effort to impose Islamic law in northeastern Nigeria, the Boko Haram extremist group has killed thousands of people and forced hundreds of thousands to flee. Some of those who ran fo...

Saller 226 views

Calm Amid Fear in Daily Life in S. Sudan’s Town of Bentiu 0    0

Six months ago, Bentiu was a ghost town. The capital of northern Unity State, near South Sudan’s important oil fields, had changed hands several times in fighting between government forces and rebel...

Saller 207 views

Khat Import Bans Cause Economic Hardship for African Farmers 0    0

Kenyan farmers are starting to pull out fields of khat -- a leafy green plant chewed as a stimulant in the Horn of Africa and in some Arab states. More countries are banning the import and sale of th...

Saller 164 views

Nairobi’s Mobile, Solar-Powered Computer Lab Helps Thousan... 0    0

In one of Nairobi's most impoverished slums, some residents board computer bus to better future. Lenny Ruvaga reports from Kawangware. Originally published at - http://www.voanews....

Saller 177 views

Only Hospital in Sudan's S. Kordofan Struggles to Treat... 0    0

The rebel-held areas of Sudan's Nuba Mountains have been under blockade since the start of a civil war In 2011 -- with the Sudanese government denying all access for food, supplies an...

Saller 178 views

Mombasa in Holiday Tourism Slump Due to Security Fears 0    0

Kenya's usually popular beachside tourist destination of Mombasa is seeing a much slower holiday season this year due to fears of insecurity as the country has suffered from a string ...

Saller 208 views

S. African Church No Longer Haven for Refugees 0    0

At least 200 Zimbabwean refugees who’d found shelter at Johannesburg's Central Methodist Church face an uncertain future after being ordered, by church authorities, to pack up and g...

Saller 249 views

Kenyan Construction Problems Blamed on Corruption 0    0

The recent collapse of two buildings in Kenya's capital has raised concerns about building safety in the country. Government regulators have been making the rounds to inspect construc...

Saller 287 views

Beirut Solar Project Aims to Slow Power Cuts 0    0

With a groundbreaking solar farm spanning a river in Beirut set to start pumping out power in a matter of weeks, Lebanon is declaring its green ambitions. But the fight to solve the country’s consta...

Saller 291 views

Kerry Warns Against Violence in Nigeria Election 0    0

US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Nigeria Sunday in a show of the level of concern within the U.S. and the international community over next month’s presidential election. Chris Stein reports...

Saller 162 views

Activists: Nigeria Elections Should Be Postponed 0    0

Nigerian expatriates, activists recently gathered in Washington to denounce deadly raids and massacres by militant group Boko Haram, and some urged that next month’s presidential polls be delayed. M...

Saller 202 views