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Kenyan Driving Schools Aim to Decrease Road Fatalities 0    0

About 1.2 million people around the world are killed in traffic accidents every year, according to the World Health Organization. Kenya has some of the world's worst road fatality sta...

Saller 290 views

Nigerian Parents Mark Children's Faces for Safety 0    0

Many say the Nigerian tradition of cutting what appear to be stripes or patterns into children's faces is a dying art. VOA's Heather Murdock reports that some parents...

Saller 233 views

Young Kenyan Artists Face Tough Market 0    0

Contemporary art in Kenya is facing challenges. Art education in schools is lacking, and the art market, dominated by tourists and expatriates, tends to stifle experimentation. Despite this, two young...

Saller 246 views

Angola Still Riddled With Mines Despite Efforts 0    0

Ten years after the end of the civil war in Angola, the country still remains, despite its best efforts, one of the most unexploded mine-affected countries in the world. The African nation was due to...

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Angola's Economic Boom Has Winners and Losers 0    0

As Angola is experiencing one of the fastest growing economies in the word, its capital city, Luanda, is facing a dramatic transformation. It has become a land of opportunity for some westerners, but...

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Oil-rich Cabinda Still Waits for Independence 0    0

When Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos is inaugurated for another term in office, many in the province of Cabinda are not expected to join the celebrations. The oil-rich region continues to de...

Saller 218 views

Report Decries Treatment of Mentally Ill in Ghana 0    0

In Ghana, mental illness is widely thought to be a spiritual matter -- and so-called "prayer camps" fill the vacuum left by inadequate psychiatric health facilities. ...

Saller 248 views

No More 'Hard Time' for Cape Town Prison Babies 0    0

With one of the world's highest crime rates, South Africa often jails women prisoners who are pregnant. Their babies grow up behind bars, a traumatic experience for innocent children...

Saller 211 views

Inside Central African Republic's Silent Health Crisis 0    0

The Central African Republic is in the midst of a health crisis seen only in disaster zones. In some places it is the result of conflict. But as VOA's East Africa Correspondent Gabe...

Saller 240 views

Wastewater Plants Extract Nutrients from Sewage 0    0

Sewage treatment plants around the world are beginning to put value on waste, turning it into a marketable resource. Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in Washington is the largest facili...

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Nigerians Demand Return of Ancient Art 0    0

More than a century ago, as European powers competed for Africa's resources, ancient art treasures from an ancient kingdom were stolen. Heather Murdock reports for VOA from Benin Cit...

Saller 203 views

S. African School is Home to Future Football Stars 0    0

In the sport of football (soccer), South Africa is in the spotlight as it prepares to host the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament this weekend. The Tan Academy is capitalizing on the popularity...

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South Africa Struggles to Reduce Road Fatalities 0    0

After yet another deadly holiday season on South Africa's roads, the government is calling on citizens to do more to prevent accidents - especially as more than half the accidents wer...

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Nigerian Activists Google Map Abuja 0    0

More than a hundred young Nigerians are teaming up with Google to add restaurants, markets, hospitals and other attractions in the Nigerian capital to Google Maps. For VOA, Heather Murdock reports fr...

Saller 230 views

South African Traditional Healers Face Increased Competition 0    0

In South Africa, traditional healers known, as sangomas [Zulu word], are deeply entrenched in the culture. So much so that a 2012 court case affirmed that workers can be allowed extended absences to c...

Saller 201 views