Resultados de la búsqueda sky ballz

QC#80 Simple Chutes 0    0

Dollar store tablecloths are transformed into miniature parachutes, used for sky ballz, rocket recoveries, and action figure adventures. Full project video: How To Make Plastic Table-Cover Parachutes...

DOSS 266 Vistas

QC#76 - Randomizer Rocket Ride 0    0

An HD camera is taped to a homemade “Randomizer Rocket” loaded with a v2.0 homemade sugar motor, and shot up around 1,000 feet high. Next Video: QC#77 - sky ballz: Previo...

DOSS 237 Vistas

QC#77 - Sky Ballz 0    0

Homemade parachutes and squishy balls join forces, to create a set of high flying sky ballz. Full project video: How To Make Sky Balls: Next Video: The Business Bucket: http...

DOSS 164 Vistas

QC#78 - The Business Bucket 0    0

When nature calls, and you need a place to do your business... Full project video: How To Make The Business Bucket : Next Video: Randomizer Blast Pad:

DOSS 227 Vistas

How To Make The Business Bucket 0    0

Make a portable, emergency supply kit, that could save your tush during a natural disaster. Or at least, provide a little cushioning for it. Next Video: How To Make sky ballz:

DOSS 265 Vistas

How To Make Sky Ballz 0    0

Transform rice, balloons, and a plastic tablecloth parachute, into a cool set of high flying Sky Balls, that will add a whole new dimension to the fun you can have outdoors. How To Make Plastic Table...

DOSS 228 Vistas