19 Weirdest Weddings Ever!

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Weirdest wedding pictures ever! These world's funniest wedding photos are some of the strangest pics of the worst marriage moments ever taken on the internet

Today we look at 21 of the weirdest wedding photos ever. You’ll be surprised at what people will do for love.

My message to the groom, Are you sure you picked the right one? Because the bridesmaid seems to have all the talent

I guess they’re worried about cooties? Despite their marriage, something tells me they WILL be using a condom tonight.

Ohh my goooddd! Let’s listen in on their wedding vows... Man I’m such a dick. And this guy over here looks like he’s already freed willy. Actually this is a couple taking part in a polar bear swim in Vancouver, British Columbia

Katamari Damacy
This may win the award for dorkiest wedding ever. This couple decided to have a Katamari Damacy themed wedding which was a video game for the PlayStation 2

baby Am I getting fat? what? No no honey but anyway for our wedding I was thinking I’d carry you in on a bulldozer.

When he promised her they would have their wedding in a white castle I don’t think this is what she had in mind. Nothing says forever like 2” sliders

These guys share everything, including their deep love for bananas. And I mean deep. Hopefully she gets to his mouth first and not the other way around.

This groom looks like he cannot wait for life time of sharing, learning, and everlasting spiritual connection that marriage brings. And she seems to be saying that’ll do that’ll do.

The best dog getting in on the action. Look at the kids.. they have that what the f*ck expression.

The groom here VERY excited about this champagne. This is in no way foreshadowing events to come. See her horrified expression? I’m sorry to say bro that’s not a good sign.

What is going on here? I will say kudos to the bride for seeming to be totally playing along and enjoying this predator themed wedding.

This bride takes thanksgiving very seriously. Gobble baby, Gobble baby, Gobble baby, gobble

ah Wedding day. Looking into my crystal ball I’m seeing a divorce but something tells me this guy is going to have a fun ride

What’s strange about this? well there is a baby on her wedding train. This is not photoshop, Yes Shona Carter-Brooks, of Jackson, Tennessee placed her 1-month old baby Aubrey on her wedding train as she walked down the aisle.

Apparently the groom having some second doubts. I love this because you know the couple has a sense of humour… or the bride is dead. One of those.

Honeymoon consisting of... the lawn. Just think, when they’re 80 years old they can look back and cherish their wedding day photos.

Nothing to see here just a couple of 50-year olds wearing speedos and lingerie getting married while holding a baby.

Ouch! Every couple that wants to get married should have to go through this: like how much do you really want to get married?? I bet their wedding song was Josh Groban’s You raise me up?

And now for the number 1 weirdest wedding picture ever. For more videos like this subscribe here.

If you’ve been holding back your WTF this is as good a time as any. This Chinese couple posted their offensive cosplay wedding pics in which the groom is dressed as a Nazi SS soldier. Apparently this is Nazi chic which means they like the fashion of the Nazi’s but don’t necessarily agree with the philosophy. Strangely the Nazi chic phenomenon has been reportedly gaining momentum in Asia.

What famous person experienced heavy backlash for wearing a Nazi costume?

I want to give a shout out to user Team AnVi for correctly answering the question in my last video about what was going on in this picture of what looks like a giant squirrel sitting on some guys lawn. The answer: The squirrel is actually sitting on a wall and the top of the wall looks a little like grass. People were divided on this one with many people also saying it was miniature neighborhood. A lot of people commented and gave answers.

100k subscribers so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

Seriously guys thank you so much I really appreciate it. I’m amazed at how fast we’ve grown and to paraphrase dogecoin: to the moon bitches!
In the mean time, check out my earlier video on Most Awkward Pregnancy Photos Ever
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