American Football Croquette Recipe アメリカンフットボール コロッケ


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Football fans! The perfect fried finger food to eat white you enjoy the big game! And they won't even get your fingers dirty!

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This croquette recipe is a popular dish in our family and a favorite of Moso Dad. The key is to add in just a bit of mayonnaise! We use a barrel-shaped plastic onigiri mold that we bought at the 100-yen shop to shape them. Moso Dad was in charge of decorating the footballs with mayonnaise. He helped because it was a real dish we ate for dinner - did he do a good job? They were delicious!

ゲームを観戦しながら食べられる フットボールの形をしたコロッケです。このコロッケのレシピは、我が家の定番メニューで妄想グルメ父の大好物。マヨネーズをちょこっと混ぜ込むのがポイント!です。丸める­時に俵型のおむすびを作る、100円ショップのグッズを使っています。マヨネーズでフットボールのデコを担当したのは、妄想グルメ父です。リアルな夕食メニューだったので­、妄想グルメ父が手伝ってくれました。ちょっと焦げちゃったけどおいしかったです♪

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1. Peel potatoes (720g), place on a heat-resistant plate, and cover with plastic wrap.

2. Microwave potatoes until they are soft enough to mash

**While the potatoes are being heated, prepare the other ingredients**

3. Mince 1 medium-sized (215g) onion

4. Heat vegetable oil in frying pan, add in ground beef/pork (170g), then onion, and stir-fry.
5. Add salt and pepper and then remove from heat.

6. Remove potatoes from microwave and mash them up.

7. Add 2 tbsp. of mayonnaise and meat/onions to potatoes and mix well.

8. Shape into croquettes. You can do regular or football shapes!

9. Make batter by mixing flour (50g), water (50cc), and 1 egg.

10. Coat potatoes in batter first, then in bread crumbs finely-crushed so they are easy to decorate. Heat oil to 180℃ and deep-fry.

11. Decorate with mayonnaise and skewer.

12. Add sauce and enjoy!

1.じゃがいも 720gは皮を剥き、耐熱皿に並べ、ふんわりラップをかける。
 玉ねぎ 中1個(215g)をみじん切りにする。
4.フライパンにサラダ油を熱し、合い挽き肉 170g、
7.5とマヨネーズ 大さじ2を加え、混ぜる。
9.小麦粉 50g、水 50cc、卵 1個を混ぜ合わせ、下衣を作ります。
10.9の下衣⇒デコがしやすいように潰して細かくした パン粉の順に付け、
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