Disturbing Things About Microsoft


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Disturbing Things About Microsoft

Microsoft has been a dominant force in the consumer electronics and software business for decades, and now its name is almost synonymous with the PC. Here are some unusual facts about Microsoft. Disturbing Things About Microsoft.

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Facts and References



In 2004 Microsoft threatened to sue teenager Mike Rowe for copyright infringement after he created a website and named it "MikeRoweSoft.com". The case received international press attention and was eventually settled with Rowe granting ownership of the domain to Microsoft in exchange for Microsoft products and training. He later sold the documentation he had received for $1,037 on eBay.



In 2009, Microsoft was accused of racism after Polish users noticed that an African-American man had been Photoshopped out and replaced with a Caucasian man on the home page of the Polish version of the website. The image was quickly returned back to its original form and Microsoft apologized for their “mistake”.


The featured form - http://bit.ly/1Dfw1XD


In 2013, Xbox One ad was criticized as sexist, after Microsoft released a form for people so they can use it to reach out to their significant other. The form read "You’d rather knit than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out on this. Xbox One is actually for both of us. Seriously". Microsoft has since apologized and nixed the knitting line. Stating “The letter is fully customizable and we meant no offense, but understand how the defaults could be perceived. We’re making changes to the letter defaults and apologize for the oversight.”



Microsoft also secretly paid popular YouTubers to talk about the Xbox One. They offered to pay $3 for every 1,000 views the video received as long as they incorporated 30 seconds of playing an Xbox game. And verbally mention that they're playing on Xbox One.

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