Documentary 2015| Uuniverse Documentary | Total Eclipse | BBC Documentary


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Documentary 2015| Uuniverse Documentary | Total Eclipse | BBC Documentayr,
Only those located in the path of the Moon's umbra can see a Total Solar Eclipse. The Moon's umbra is only a few hundred kilometers wide and travels eastward at about 1,056 mph (1,700 km/h). Because of this, even though solar eclipses happen about 2-5 times a year, not many people get to see them. At any place on Earth, a Total Solar Eclipse can be seen on average once every 360 years.
A Total Solar Eclipse can last for several hours. Totality can range from a few seconds to 7 and a half minutes. The longest Total Solar Eclipse of the 21st century took place on July 22, 2009 when the totality lasted 6 mins and 39 secs
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