LG Ultra HD TV Prank - End Of The World Job Interview [Meteor Explodes]


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This job interview is really just a prank that ends with some great reactions! A clever prank / ad for their 84 inch ultra realistic HD TV.http://ads4u666.blogspot.com/2013/09/lg-ultra-hd-tv-prank-end-of-world.html

LG TV Prank Makes People Think It's The End Of The World
LG HDTV- Meteor Prank Job InterviewLG - Scared Job interview Ever LG HDTV Ultra Reality - End Of The World LG Ultra Reality:Meteor PRANK in Job Interview The job interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS2W4Z9kh2Y
The creators of this advertisement is clearly inspired by the Chelyabinsk meteorite. But the Spaniards were more emotional.LG prank makes People think It's The End Of The World
hdtv fine tuning

Remember the elevator with the "collapsing floor"?
here's LG's latest prank.

'LG Ultra Reality Meteor Commercial'.
LG Interview prank!
LG Meteor Prank So Real It's Scary 3

LG end of the world prank
LG end of the world prank
LG end of the world prank

LG Meteor prank
LG end of world prank

LG Spain Scares The Crap Out Of People. Again
LG Spain Scares The Crap Out Of People. Again
LG meteor prank - September 2013
LG meteoro broma - septiembre 2013
LG نيزك مزحة - سبتمبر 2013
LG метеор шалость - сентябрь 2013
LG Meteor Streich - September 2013

LG Scares the S**t out of People in Viral Video...Again

This is such a great prank.

LG meteor advert prank
LG Meteorite! commercial
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