My Little Pony: Red Bull Stratos Skydiving

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In the name of science, Twilight will be "Volunteering" herself to jump from the stratosphere; heights of up to 36,500 metres. That's (50875.5 * 2) feet higher than their usual comfortable altittude. But really? What could possibly go wrong!

An MLP Parody and A homage to the awesome Felix Baumgartner!

So Me and Galaxyart discussed about Alicorn Twily and found out both of us are going to make a parody of Alicorn Twily. Found out midway that our concepts are actually polar opposites of each other! Visit this video if you want something deeper if humor is not your game ^^

Also of highlight is KDanielsS who uploaded Robot Chicken recently Check it out, I insist!

Finally, please visit us at "A Series of Informal Animators," which is basically our haunt. No really, who doesn't want spaghetti for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner!

Yudhaikeledai (Read: You Die Kele Die)
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The Soundtrack used is "Terrain" from SimCity 4
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