Nature and Wildlife of Cuba(full documentary)HD

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The island is considered a tropical paradise, including lush, green flowering plants and trees as well as a plethora of animal life. While there are many reasons why people choose to visit the country, one of them is to enjoy the unspoiled tropical terrain. A positive aspect is that there are very few animals that pose a threat to humans. In fact, the country is considered to be free of any type of dangerous snake, which is great positive all on its own. However, the plethora of animals includes endangered species and those that are uniquely indigenous to the island such as the Cuban Spider Monkey and the Tree Frog

There are over seven thousand different types of insects, five hundred different types of fish, and three hundred different types of fish in and around the island.

Amazing Wildlife of Alaska:

The Great Zebra Migration:

Most Popular Nature Wildlife:

Searching for Giant Squid:

Weirdest Deep Sea Creatures:

Saving the Borneo Elephant:

The Four :Flying Dinosaur:Microraptor:

Bears and Wolves Epic Battle:

Survival in The Valley of The Wolves:

Weird Animal Shapes:

Crows Smarter Than You Think:

Unexplained Lake Creature Florida:

Why Great White Sharks Attack:

The Rare and Elusive Pika:
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