OLD LADY FLUSHED!!! Old Grandma falls in Double Dare! HD -GoPro


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Steven Jenkins goes to the Philippines, water slide update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrL2Db_VbM Kolapa TV presents: **FUNNY old great grandma going down the double dare flusher at one of the scariest water parks in the world. If she can do it, you can too. This is one way you have fun without drugs alcohol or hurting our body or others. Please visit www.kolapahouse.com to join one of our health trips, or just join my facebook now at facebook.com/kolapahouse At fifteen minute old grandma goes down the double dare flusher slide, so funny, kids you gotta see it. Same guy taking kids in the Philippines to water slide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrL2Db_VbM
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