Smart and Clever Animals


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Smart and clever animals that are intelligent and some rather talented! Some are funny, some cute! A good variety too. Bear, fox, hamster, monkey, cat, dog, birds, squirrel, etc. Great watch! And be sure to check out my channel for more awesome compilations!

Top Comments:
"8:40 Mission Impossible - starring Hamster Cruise" Wolf Moon

Video Timeline:
0:00 Cool Intro
0:11 Witty whale in aquarium repeatedly scaring little kids
0:28 Intelligent Bird goes fishing and catches a big fish!
0:59 Smart cat learns what to do to get in the house
1:32 Clever hamster finds his way into the cookie bin
2:02 Smart horse opens gate and gets into the fridge
2:34 Talented bear showing off his skills
3:19 Intelligent monkey gets a drink from a vending machine
4:24 Smart dog knows to wipe its feet before coming into the house
4:38 Talented raccoon shows how he can walk the rope
4:54 So you didn't know dogs could surf? Neither did I
5:06 Parrot finds a way to get his nut
5:28 Cute intelligent dog tries to teach baby how to crawl
5:44 Smart creative bird discovers sledding
6:06 Tiger the horse displays his intelligence
6:25 Clever cat lets the dog out
6:40 Since when can goats open car doors?
6:53 Crafty raccoon steals cat food then runs off on hind legs
7:10 Smart dolphin teases seagull with a fish
7:31 This duck is all of them. Smart, crafty, intelligent, and clever!
7:51 Smart and clever fox displays his awesome hunting skills
8:18 Escape artist hamster
8:45 So.. Dogs can also skateboard!
9:00 Super smart crow is super creative
9:27 Two intelligent bears wave to people driving by
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