Trials HD - Gold Medals on all Extreme Tracks


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So I had this all nice and edited and sync'd up with some nice music then WMG had to go and get all pissy...oh well.

For those not familiar with the just have to get from the start to the end as quickly as possible and with the fewest "faults" as possible. A "fault" is when you restart from the last checkpoint, usually after crashing. The requirements for getting a gold medal vary from track to track but for the extreme tracks it usually around a limit of 10-15 faults and a time of 2-4 minutes and if you happen to pull off a near flawless run (no faults and ridiculous time limits) you can even get a platinum medal but those are still a little out of my reach for the extreme tracks.

Still plenty of room left for improvement but goddamn are these tracks hard...I used to think I would never even be able to pass these tracks much less get gold medals on them.

Published 8 years ago

Category Video  /  General

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