Wolf and the Bees

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This profile film follows the beekeeper, Wolf Carr, as he brings us to his honey bee colonies outside Portland Oregon.

To view the entire story, please visit: www.julietzulu.us/journal/2014/5/wolfandthebees
Special thanks to Wolf Carr. To learn more, please visit: www.facebook.com/WolfHoney

This profile is the second in a series of not-for-profit films that highlight Portland community members who embody the JZ motto, Stay Brave, in their actions, ethics and practices. To view the previous profiles, please visit:

1. vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/86136784
2. vimeo.com/julietzulu/arisbike
3. vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/102000597
4. vimeo.com/julietzulu/oregonparanormal

Publicado 9 years ago

Categoría Vídeo  /  General

Etiquetas Oregon bees honey bee beekeeping beekeeper honey Wolf Honey

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